Monday, November 27, 2023

Well something finally sprouted!

 The weather is trending to cloudy again and we may see some rain later in the week. At least the weather is now what new plants need for temperatures. I actually had to water today because I didn't check on things last night. That's when I discovered seeds sprouting on the porch!

At least two seeds in each pod are sprouting, yay! I now remember I reseeded those with romaine seeds but I still thought the onions were in there. Still nothing from the peas, and gave them another splash of water and additional afternoon shade.

Speaking of Romaine, those three seedlings are still hanging in there. The one that was munched is still growing and nothing has pestered any of them since. I didn't get out until after noon so the bed was in full shade by then. I watered everything lightly since it's been cool the subsurface is likely still damp.

That's all the pictures I have right now. Not much else going on. Still want to rake up the raised bed and just toss a bunch of seeds in there because having 'fallow' soil is not good for the structure. I just don't have anything else to plant that isn't coming  up already. Oh, I did cut three eyes out of a russet potato that had sprouted so those are drying on the front porch right now.  Not entirely sure where those will go right now. It's a gardening thing, save all the seeds and sprouts because you may find room for them later. Goes with hobbies too, lord knows I have more yarn than I will ever use and projects that need to be finished. I have an entire flip top storage box of cross stitch patterns and magazines as well.


I'd use the quote from Mary Poppins due to the wind coming up but the wind isn't coming from the east and not sure what may be starting other than  change of weather.

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