Saturday, November 25, 2023

No seeds left to plant this season

 Weather is continuing cool but sunny, just absolutely perfect fall weather. In the 70's during the day and at night into the 40's and 50's, apparently one or two nights in the next week might be 39. Brrrr, yay!

I haven't cut any flowers in a week and they're still pumping out buds. Definitely a go to plant for the spring/summer next year as long as I have room for them. I don't think the cauliflower transplant did well. The leaves are wilted, hard to see but it's there. I put the cover back on it as that was keeping the soil moist and warm.

I poked some cilantro seeds into the corner of the bed. Other than carrots,  that's all I have left that hasn't been planted yet. Filled one of the containers with water and watered them in too since the soil was pretty dry in the surface. Got my lettuce and cauliflower, the dang peas are taking their time, might have to go with the sweet peas in the spring and sugar peas now. I'm out of green onion seeds, need to go find some more of those but still have the other onion seeds. I think those burgundy onion seeds are too old, that set I put in the six pellets haven't broken out yet.  No wonder people use starts and onion sets, half the work is already done. Will try and get to the library beginning of next month when I have money and a full tank of gas.

Have to make do with what I've got. Christmas is coming and as far as the garden is concerned all I would really need is a gift card to HD. Fertilizer, more soil, seeds/plants, seedling tray/pellets or soil mix. Watering can would be nice. Just a few things is all but they would last for a while. 

Little things that feed the soul, and the stomach.

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