Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Yay for weather change!

 Sitting at my desk last night, full dark outside and window open... a breeze drifts in.... full of moisture. It was heavenly! I had to double check to make sure it wasn't drizzling outside but it was too dark and definitely not raining. Checked my phone app and it was just cloudy. Humidity was 72% and it sure smelled like it! It's partly cloudy today with a sporadic stiff breeze almost a wind so most definitely a weather change. App says it may even rain mid next week, yay!











Fall color and the beautiful fall sky. Had to get a picture, but the sky was actually a bit lighter than that due to the shadow of clouds everything was darker even with HDR active on my camera.

The soil looks bone dry but it isn't. All those ridges are from when I watered using the 'Center' spray that is needle like jets out of the middle of the head. Sticks in the soil are to remind me there are potatoes planted there. The oregano is just busting out with all kinds of leaves. Making me really happy to see it thriving now. 

Before and after, just look how happy it is! Just needed some sunshine and fresh air! Almost four weeks and what a difference!










The orchid is still hanging in there but I think it's not getting enough bright light, it's lost two leaves but they were older leaves, the new growth looks fine. That one leaf is damaged but it was broken when I got it. Normal die back of the leaf.  Rocky observed while I took pictures then he laid down for a nap and I put it in the bedroom window for fresh air and more light. Kitchen window is getting direct sun this time of day so definitely not there.

We have another food distribution this week so will see what they have. I hope there are more plants like Thyme or another orchid or rose because I'm a sucker for instant gratification.

Meanwhile, back in the garden. The potato plant is getting tall enough that it's brushing the critter shield. I shifted it down and will likely keep it there until I get more plants going in that bed. Cilantro.... good lord it's taking a long time for it to grow! I will be planting more of course, over in the shade bed when the lettuce gets going. I forgot my clippers this morning but will be sure to remember this evening to clip the zinnia flowers.

Clouds are drifting through the pale blue sky and the breeze ruffles the trees. It's fall.

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Flowers from other places

 But first, weather is shifting, it's been breezy/windy, perfect weather that may give way to some rain later in the week. My seedlings ...