Saturday, December 30, 2023

Nothing to do yesterday so catching up today. Rain!

 So I guess I wasn't paying attention to the weather because I woke to the sound of water in the rain gutters this morning. Well then! Looks like not much to do in the garden again, even though I did water the other day. Just going to be cool/cold and cloudy until med next week when it's supposed to rain again. Big puffy blazing white and grey clouds drifting overhead right now against a beautiful deep blue sky. One big one just drifted by my window completely heading to the east. It was there and five minutes later it's behind the big pepper tree. Wind is moving fast.

Thought I was being all smart divoting holes where the cauliflower will be planted. Then watered. And it rained. So at least I have pictures to remember. If they ever start growing faster. I'm still wondering how to encase the newer potato stem so it has a chance to grow potatoes above ground. I should think about getting my pruners and cut some of those old aloe leaves off. That plant is all roots for sure. We don't know who's it was or where it came from and sincerely doubt the original owner is even in the complex anymore. So fair game in my book to get rid of it.

It was standing pretty straight today which is good and there's enough room to put maybe a 2 or 3 gallon pot around it. If I had one that I could use and the soil to put in it. I then toyed with the idea of using the spare chicken wire in a cylinder. That would need a lot of cutting wire and again, straw and/or soil to pack in around it. 

The peas are growing faster, the two snow peas have tendrils out and I nudged them here and there to try and get them to grab onto the trellis. Will likely have flowers by late January on those and possibly peas by February. The sweet peas are further behind unfortunately so looking at March flowers for them. I'll be lucky if they start bolting up faster in February. (You can see how wet the soil is after the early morning rain.)

Just sharing the picture of the cleared area in front of the logs here because it just looks so neat and tidy. I saw the flick of a lizard tail when I was leaving the garden today, tried to get a picture but it skittered behind the logs. Then I of the lower leaves of that Romaine was cut off. Just cleanly cut and on the other side of the plant from where it was cut. Weird. Yes there is an upright leaf on that side and nothing on the other side, which is how I know that it moved. So maybe the rain knocked down and the subsequent movement of water on the soil floated it there. Not much to say of wind so that's my story and sticking to it.

The next bank of clouds are moving in now, more southish direction and more grey. Covering up the sun as well so definitely cooler and a little breezier. Love the changing weather and being able to look out the window, have the window open during the day and the fan just to move the air a bit inside the apartment. 

Just noticed how dirty the outside of the window glass is. Should probably try and take the sliding window out and clean it when the weather warms up again. Being on the  second floor makes it kind of dangerous to try and clean the other part of the window.

On another note, that lady that cut back the lantana for her lights? She cut the rest of the lantana back now. It's practically all sticks. I mentioned as I walked down the stairs how she must not like bushes in front of her window. She mumbled something and when I got down to the bottom I made another comment of 'nothing left of it now, you must not like plants'. It is seriously butchered and apparently management doesn't care or don't know. She's been here longer than we have and likely asked permission ages ago. As a gardener and plant person it just irks me having people butcher things just because it doesn't appeal to their sense of order.

Anyway. That's all for today, new year coming up, garden keeps going.

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