Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Progress is good, weather is fine.

 Loving the weather for sure. Not too hot, just chilly enough for a sweater or jacket (until I stand in the sun too long) and an extra blanket on the bed. Spring and fall (winter at least here) are my favorite seasons. As far as teh garden is concerned things are on track.

Fall colors in California. Sycamore and Liquidambar and Bird of Paradise. Most of the other flowers were older and had mold spots so was lucky to find one that had just opened. The trees are just dropping leaves like crazy, gardener was out on Monday blowing them all into piles. Close to this time last year I was asking for leaves to put in the bottom of my raised bed. Absolutely do not need that this year.










Sweet Peas are growing good. Three is better than zero and I can plant more if the snow peas don't come up. The onions, as I said, are rather pathetic so will be dumping those out and will plant one in two different corners to see what happens. Seeing how leggy that oregano is I'm going to trim it a bit in the spring to help it bush out a bit more.

Marked out the spots for the cauliflower seedlings after pulling that one romaine that was eaten early on. I have plenty more coming up in the seedling pellets and even more lettuce in the tray. The mixed lettuces will get spaced around in both the beds.

Two spots with a possible third one closer to the potatoes for another cauliflower in the raised bed and a different angle from the west bed. I counted and there are now twelve carrots coming up, by the time they get big enough to thin some more I'll likely have about six or eight. Hoping the ones in the raised bed grow and mature.

I noticed the petals on one of the zinnias had been eaten, on three of the flowers the petals were completely gone. I did find the culprit though on the other plant.

Despite the damage being mostly on the orange one the culprit was on the pinks (likely there may be another one on the orange still. I love how they take on the color of what they are eating). I left it there because it's end of season for the zinnias, and a butterfly and then a spider yesterday and now the caterpillar, they are still providing food and attracting insects to the garden. If I had found that caterpillar a month ago or more, yeah would have been over the wall with it.

So, considering I have limited space and have more seedlings than I technically have room for I will possibly be prepping some plastic cups for the extra cauliflower and romaine seedlings to exchange.  Or I'll just completely cram the two beds with everything I have. Might lose some cilantro but that's easy to start and I have 'wild' ones coming up still. 

Alrighty, time for supper and still enjoying a breeze coming through the apartment.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...