Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The weather continues and carrots planted

 Another gorgeous day, one of the few pluses to living in SoCal. No snow, no hurricanes or tornadoes... just confused plants because it's 79 outside and predicted to tick up two degrees in two hours. But still drops to the 40's at night.  Could say no serious flooding but we did have that tropical storm in the early summer. 

Facing South and North East respectively. Yes that's the sun behind the tree, had to stand in the shade to get a good picture of the trees and sky. Again sky color is slightly deeper than it really is but it's clear all the way to the horizon.

Zinnias are slowly winding down, I saw something white that drifted to one of the pink flowers and was preparing to smoosh a white fly. Turns out...it was an adorable little ghost spider.

Luckily it moved around so I could get photos of it in good light. It jumped from the first flower to the second one as I was shifting position. You go there little spider! 

So I tried to use that little colander bowl set but it seems the holes are too small and it works better with dry soil. So mostly fail on that but got a little bit of fine sifted soil for the line of carrots I planted. It was very very moist deeper down, I was only going to scrape the surface then dug down and loosened the subsoil for the future carrots. Chantenay are short carrots so not much room is needed. Hoping the pill bugs don't eat them. Haven't seen any lately but then there hasn't been anything on that side of the bed other than the onion. 

Moved all the pots to the ground and misted everything well and done for the day. Three peas still out of four which is okay, nothing from the ones in the bed. That I soaked. Here's hoping to see something popping up in the next week. Need to keep it relatively damp because it's cold below and warm at the surface. Only dry about 1/8 inch on surface so just keeping it moist for the seeds. that left picture will be good to have pop up in another three months for a comparison. Still plenty of room for at least two cauliflower when they get to size, sweet peas will go along the trellis and hopefully carrots will be up in 10-21 days. I planted them about at the shadow line so they get enough room to grow and a bit more sun. 

So that's it for today, looks like I've got what I need for winter crops. Can't wait for spring and summer planting!

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...