Saturday, December 23, 2023

Things are happening in the garden, nothing bad.

 Still cloudy today and despite what the app says they look like rain clouds could let loose any time. It got nippy last night down into the high 40's and won't break out of the 60's today. Forecast says sunny for my area on Christmas day though.

Did I need to water today? Nope.

Serious miscalculation on my part when placing a marker for the potatoes. There is a four inch difference between the spot where the potato actually came up and where I put the stick marker. It's a good thing the carrots grow faster than the potatoes. Not by much but they have a head start at least. That's just the front right corner potato. Seriously misplaced the other marker as well at the back. Unless I planted more potatoes than I thought.

I was attempting to do an overhead shot of the raised bed just by holding my phone as level as possible over my head. Had to crop it a bit for perspective angle but not bad.  Was able to use a second photo for captioning of what's coming up.

Although the one in the upper left corner of the notated picture could be one of the earlier ones I planted. There's also carrots spread all the way to the trellis and peas. The lower right picture shows where carrots have come up and at the bottom left of that picture is where the potato is sprouting. The disturbed soil is where I was trying to see if another potato was coming up anywhere near that stick. I think either a carrot or an onion is coming up on the right hand side as well, about in line with where I thought I had put the green onion seeds.

It's a potato bed for sure, so far six potato plants in that bed with a possible one more to come up in the west bed.

Which reminds me, I was going through trying to delete old photos on my google storage and apparently I had planted potatoes in the south bed on February 6 (initially I thought this was the west bed which would have made more sense). Still hasn't come up and yet the ones in the west bed did. Must have planted these too deep. Oh well.

So now that the solstice has come the days will be getting longer which also means that the sun will creep higher in the sky allowing more warmth on the plants.The containers on the crate are getting some sun, despite the jade bush. Not enough for the cauliflower most likely. 

I'm not sure I'm going to have enough room for the peppers and tomatoes in the summer at this rate.

West bed is maintaining, the cilantro is growing faster now and the potato is still poking along. That bed gets more shade than the raised bed so not surprising. The lemon bush is looking naked, apparently someone is picking the lemons. Not Dolores though because I mentioned it had a lot of fruit a few weeks ago and she said her daughter has a lemon tree and doesn't need any. 

And who says birds don't purposely aim? The one bare spot in several dozen square feet of lawn and that white spot is smack in the middle and almost the same shape as the bare spot. Rather hilarious really. Nicely done bird, made sure no one would step on it for sure.

Yay for the sun coming back again! Seems like it only just got to be winter and now it's still winter but not really?

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