Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Well weather does what it will

 The morning was clear and relatively warm oddly enough. No rain in sight and the app says it will likely rain late tomorrow and definitely Friday. Right now around 2pm, it is looking a whole lot cloudy like it may rain sooner than tomorrow. From what I saw of weather reports the storm had stalled and slowed down when it hit the land so not surprising. Wind is picking up so will see what happens. 











 I was in a rush today so not many pictures and definitely watered despite the coming rain. Whole bunches of carrots coming up now, some of those circles have anywhere from three to five or more sprouts coming up. The lettuce transplants are still doing okay and so are the peas. I guess no sweet pea flowers for Christmas. As I mentioned,  you used to be able to plant sweet peas in October and have them flowering by Christmas. It was much too warm this year to plant them with any success so I'll have flowers and peas by Easter I guess. Mother's Day maybe?

Then it'll be time to pull the potatoes, carrots and trim the cilantro for sure. Maybe even have something from the cauliflower showing. This is my first winter with this bed so it's going to be interesting to see the progression. Will have to figure out how to make a slide movie that shows all the different months/weeks for the year. 

Yeah, that's the ticket.

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