Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Yesterday was more laid back so post today

 The weather is...odd today. Little to no breeze, high hazy cloud cover and just cool enough for a sweater/flannel shirt. Neither of which I have. Need to get on that for sure.

Two pictures from yesterday. Among all the brown leaves and green grass, one lone red and yellow leaf. Just too poetic to pass up. The other picture was across the street from the taco shop we were at, if you can see, out of the top of the downspout of the building, there is some sort of weeds/tree of some sort growing. That says two things, one; that gutter hasn't been cleaned in a while and two; that downspout is likely blocked all the way to the ground.

Not my building, not my problem, just kind of humorous.











Speaking of things growing in odd places. Yet another potato growing where it was tossed. I tried to carefully dislodge it but may have killed it. When I pulled it out it not only had the original potato but a tinier baby one. That stem had grown out where the sun was and how I  missed it until now is just boggling me. I guess I thought it was a weed coming up and dismissed it and was too focused on my 'actual' garden.


There were some roots on the stem so I did what I could to plant it over in the west bed. I tried to put in the raised bed with the rest of the potatoes then realized I had more than enough there. I planted the original little spud in the corner that I had stuck a stick for one I supposedly planted but can't find it. Will see what happens. No great loss if neither of them grow.

So definitely 'worm sign' in the raised bed. Little piles of worm castings in two different spots and the soil around the romaine that was eaten is oddly damp. Just the stem, no leaves and the soil looking like it was watered right around the stem. Same with the peas so the only thing I can think of is dew keeping the soil moist there as it drips down. Honestly don't know. The soil in general was dry about an inch down so got the house out and watered everything.

I thinned out the cilantro a bit near the potatoes since I have so much coming other places a few here and there can be pulled. Made a rainbow from the water, but what you don't see is the drift of mist going to the right from the breeze. Would have to take a video and watering in one hand and trying not to jiggle the phone in the other is not good. So that's why I stick with photos rather than videos.

More wild plants showing the difference between the thistle on the left and the prickly lettuce on the right. Dug up the prickly lettuce which was actually two plants and tossed them in the compost bucket. That wild lettuce is growing faster than my cultivated lettuce for sure.

Two different angles of the watered west bed and the raised bed facing east because otherwise I would be casting a shadow. Like in the top picture. Sun is gradually rising later in the sky and angling higher so more sun is good.

I had a few thoughts on clearing where the orange bucket is, put that over with the other buckets in the corner and making a spot for the crate. I then realized there wouldn't be any room for me to get into the corner there. The lizards are still living in the log pile, I want to move that aloe though to another spot away from the rest of the garden. That will help clear a small space at least, maybe take a few logs and rearrange them but really, really don't like disturbing the lizards and who knows how many black widow spiders. And termites, and crickets...and whatever.

Would have to talk to the other two gardeners and Mike the maintenance guy or the other garden guys. That's a project for next year for sure.

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