Monday, February 26, 2024

Decisions, picture variations and compost.

It actually tried to rain for about five minutes. Big drops but nothing that continued and stuck around. Very grey and heavy clouds but I think it's too warm. I keep thinking I see rain drops outside my window but nothing on the pavement. I was playing with the picture ratios on my phone so photos are going to look a bit funky.




Not sure what the purpose of the tall and narrow is but got a picture of a crow breaking branches to make a nest. It's mate was in another tree and had done the same thing, taking the twig to the roof to check it out more before they both flew off to where the nest is.

Had to get a full picture of the sky to the East. Layered rippled clouds were really cool and decided to do a landscape full size picture. Wasn't very cold either, maybe high 60's due to cloud cover.


Okay so no more messing with the picture ratios after this. These pictures were a 1:1 ratio so perfectly square. Not bad to get a picture of the square bed but awkward to format into this space.

I decided to pull the two cauliflower plants on that side, really don't have the patience anymore for that. They should have been two or three times that big and other people actually had full size cauliflower to trade in the garden group. Wonder if they were growing it in a green house because I had started months ago and they were still tiny.



Back to normal photos and the south bed is starting to catch up. I didn't water because it's still plenty damp under the surface. I was moving the carrot tops around and noticed fresh worm castings next to one so there's plenty of organic matter in the ground for them to be there. 
Wish I hadn't been so anxious and angry when I made that bed.

I uncovered the compost bucket because I needed to add the remainder of the kale and parsley that had wilted in the fridge along with some potato peels. Of course fruit flies went everywhere but I stirred it as much as possible, noticed a worm in the front bucket which is good. That round fruit looking thing in the front bucket is one of two tomatoes that Layla gave me that was much too green/yellow for my liking. Kept the more red one to take upstairs. 

Need to figure out a proper lid for them that lets air in but not the bugs.

 The Sow Thistle is definitely starting to bloom so that's going to be coming out very soon as well. More fodder for the compost bucket for sure. I just had never seen something that thorny that wasn't a true thistle before and so it was an experiment to see what it was. Will have to remember my gloves when I decide to dig it out.

That's all for today for experiments in a small garden.

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