Friday, February 9, 2024

Nature finds a way...

 More rain today, perpetual clouds and breeze. I was going to step out earlier and just as I was getting my jacket I heard rain coming down. Okay then, rain check on the garden visit.😆😁😁

These are from yesterday two different neighborhoods (school area and tree in my complex) but still lovely puffy clouds and deep blue skies. Today, not so much blue sky and I don't remember it raining this much last year but that's okay. 

Nature will find a way for sure. Another flipping potato sprouting in the compost! I tried to pull it out but when I shifted the spud part I felt a couple of roots break and just left it alone. Potatoes... I didn't ever imagine I'd be swimming in potato plants this year.











Lettuces and radishes are thriving! If the lettuces can just survive being drowned every few hours they'll do great and we'll have a wonderful salad mix in a few weeks!


The Romaine are just getting huge! No real head  yet but the outer leaves could be picked for using. Will hold off a little while longer and see if those radishes will be ready in time.

Observations: the radishes, carrots and cilantro are not being eaten, nor the lettuce. Just the potatoes. 

Well almost all the radishes. I put pomelo rind near the corners of the raised bed because I read that slugs and bugs love them. Will see what happens. Oh and there's one little radish coming up between the onions in the west bed.


Yesterday during a break in the clouds around noon and discovered that the radishes do indeed get some sun. This is good and you can tell that everything thing is pointed in that direction as well. 

The wires on the trellis are about six inches apart so that makes the snow peas almost two feet tall at the peak. Difficult to get close to them due to the crate, might actually move it soon. Had to move the plants back further with all the gutter run off from the roof.

Didn't mind the rain so much until I noticed the oregano and then tiny brown spots on the potato plant. The oregano I suspect is a combination of too wet and cold. They are a Mediterranean plant that loves hot climates and dry soil. So it isn't happy. I then looked up what could be causing brown spots on the potato.... it's a type of alternaria fungus caused by wet weather. Unfortunately the only help for it is fungicide which is useless to spray right now due to the weather. I might have to pull the plant early and will have to toss the greens into the trash because my compost won't heat up sufficiently to kill the spores.

Drat! Did I say I'd be swimming in potatoes?

It's supposedly going to dry out over the next few days so that may be a good time to pull that plant out... carefully... so I don't disturb the carrots nearby.

Off I go on errand run.... clouds and rain again on the road.

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