Monday, February 5, 2024

Not raining, yet.

 Rain was supposed to start by 1230pm (afternoon) and it may still do that. Still kind of windy but Nor Cal has gotten the brunt of the storm at this point. We're at the southern tail of the storm front right now.

Flat grey clouds horizon to horizon today and not more than a half hour after I sit down and the wind has died to nothing. Rain is coming for sure.

These are 'before' pictures of the beds. Before I decided to try and separate and transplant the lettuces and cauliflower. I thinned one or two of the radishes in the west bed and so far, no bulbing but they are still very young. Color, but no fattening root.

The 'wild' plants in the garden. Cilantro is doing very well, and I was tempted to snag some leafy stems but left them for Dolores as I have plenty of my own.  The thistle plant is stretching up, I am letting it grow because I love the leaf design. As long as I catch it before it sets seed,  I'm good with letting it live for now.

The roots of the lettuces were just all massed together which explains why they weren't growing much. I teased them apart as much as possible and transplanted them best i could between the radish and carrots.

I sure hope it rains today or those lettuces are toast. I put a few more between the Romaines and then tackled the cauliflower. Put three in the west bed and two in the raised bed. I almost unpotted the onions as well but will wait on those until later.

I  put one in each of the corners and then one in the south bed. Yeah, long shot there because of no sun for another month but whatever. I used the little tin bucket to water the lettuces mostly just as a precaution. The rain we get may not be more than just drifting drizzle.

Dolores has peppers and an absolutely gorgeous mint plant! I'm tempted to ask for a cutting but I don't really use it, it's a sentimental plant for me from when my mom grew it.

Kind of jealous at the gardeners in my group that have full heads of cauliflower from planting theirs in September. I planted my seeds on November 6 (looking through my previous entries and there are pictures of the seedlings in late November) and they're not even a half inch still. I want to know their secret.  Probably fertilizer. Guess I'll try again in September this year. If there's room in the beds.

That's the funny thing about gardening, someone else can have raging success and across the street, failure with the same plants and same exposure. As an expert once said, 'Five feet's as good as a mile', meaning just that. Soil varies so drastically in just a short distance that you could do exactly the same as someone next door and still not get the same results.

With my luck if I planted that mint it would run amok.

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