Sunday, February 4, 2024

Windy and not much else.

 Again with the busy day so it's almost 5 pm and just now getting to posting. It's been pretty windy most of the day so that means change is coming.  It was mostly clear for a few hours yesterday and today and weather says rain is coming and will be off and on for the next week. Maybe I should get out tomorrow and see what seeds I can toss out there.


The ground is still mostly undisturbed and damp due to the shade but you can see also how sunny it was and it's mostly clouded over with patchy grey and white. It looks like it's going to be an amazing sunset though in about an hour. Those poor radishes at the front of the bed aren't going to be much to use since they get shade all the time.

Really happy with how things are growing right now, at least in the raised bed. And all that without using any fertilizer! The worms and just the good soil are doing the job for now but really do need to get some for the summer.











What are you looking at? That first picture on the left is a prodigious pile of worm poop between the lump of brussels sprout and the shadow of the lettuce. The other picture is the tiny sweet pea seedling coming up all tucked under the much larger cousins.

Despite the soil looking dry I am not going to water. There's no small seedlings anymore and enough subsoil moisture for everything.

The snow peas are doing great, almost looks like I used a flash on it but it's just the natural sunshine bouncing off the leaves and then the onion cuttings I planted are doing good also but then, I noticed... damaged radishes in both beds.

Gosh dang mollusks and bugs! Really need to get a can of Sluggo Plus.  Oh and a really good pile of worm castings right there along with the damaged radishes.

Still going through the list of veggies I want to plant for the summer. Two tomatoes at least, a cucumber, a squash and at least three peppers. Two hot and one green. There really aren't any small plants for summer veggies. I hope I can swing getting more soil for that west bed or maybe figure out how to make a raised bed somehow. Would have to relocate the chives again.

Sunset has happened but no spectacular colors unfortunately, it is moderately breezy outside and very nippy outside. California is making national news due to the weather and rain. We're all okay here, middle of suburbia apartment buildings with a flood channel that snakes through the neighborhood. 

Garden is doing fine with all this rain and it's always good to have free water. Just wish it could be saved for the summer.

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