Friday, February 16, 2024

Ruminating on summer planting

 The weather is getting hazy and sort of cloudy with a rain update pushed back until Tuesday. Was supposed to be able to see some of the more distant mountains with some snow but it was too hazy today and I was driving. So no pictures of hazy skies even when I was out walking Rocky because I forgot my phone. Doh!

So the ever popular photos of the two beds. That Romaine I tell ya, I'm running low on lettuce in the fridge so will likely snipping a few of the outer leaves for salad tomorrow. The carrots are so close to pulling size but still no shoulders showing. It feels good to see that west bed in full sun still at noon so I know the radishes are getting the sun they need. Still kind of stretched out though but will see what happens. The Jade bush is filling out again, beez were checking all the flowers and I noticed less space between the raised bed and the bush. Again. I tried to spread the branches and look for where that potato was growing but was holding something so didn't push it too much.

Speaking of potatoes, accidental spud harvest. I saw it peeking through under the plant and when I tried to bury it again I pushed too hard and heard the snapping of roots. OOps... so I cleaned it off and brought it upstairs. It has a small green spot from where it was exposed and looks like that bush is a russet from the coloring. That means a bit longer before they're ready to harvest for sure.

A few more flowers on the peas and the radishes are approaching harvest size very quickly! I am really giving up on the cauliflower, they've barely grown and I do not have patience or room to wait for them. I'm going to need that entire raised bed for tomatoes and peppers, and the west bed for squash and something else.

I was ruminating before going to sleep last night about plant distribution for summer. Two tomatoes on the trellis or tomato and cucumber? One squash or two in the west bed? What else can I plant in that bed with as big as the squash get. How many peppers can I squeeze into the raised bed and still have room? Although the south bed gets more shade so that can be a cilantro bed I bet even in the summer, just plant them close to the wall. But what else to put in that bed? I will have chives as a permanent resident in the east end of the west bed maybe try and finally get some green onions? Could also plant green onions in the south bed, they did pretty good there last year.

And of course everything is going to need a dressing of more planting mix and fertilizer. Should try and find a relatively cheap digging fork too. That's down on the list though because that west bed is very shallow and once everything gets pulled before summer it's going to need more soil.

Many, many thoughts looking forward to the hot summer and different crops.

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...