Monday, February 19, 2024

Traps are out and rain coming soon

 Updated weather is rain to hit overnight and most of the day Thursday. It got very blustery today so that was a good indication of the coming weather for sure. I was able to get Rocky out for his walk later in the day because I had food to cook earlier. Mostly cloudy all day and just a tad bit nipply.

Yes indeedy, cloudy and wintry today. Pretty clouds though, cottony and puffy all over the sky.

The thistle is ginormous now. The main stalk is almost two inches across at the base! I also found out where the aphids came from. Top left picture, tons of them and they were all molting so they're on the move. The flower looks like it's getting ready to bust out as well and you can see the difference in the leaf colors from the older leaves at the base and the new leaves at the top.

So the snails are still at it and I was wracking my brain this morning laying in bed on what I could use since we don't drink beer and I'm not going to waste whole wheat bread on the garden.

Yeast. I have packets of instant dry yeast in the freezer.

I grabbed the two little empty fruit cups and an empty cat food can, sprinkled a little in the bottom then added a bit of warm water. This should be fun to see in the morning. I'll either have a foaming mass of good or a foaming mass of goo with snails and pill bugs.

I almost forgot to cover them up. As I was turning to do something else I realized that A: it was going to rain in the next 24 hours and B: snails and bugs like to be under cover. What's the best thing to use for cover in a garden? A giant sycamore leaf!

I put one in the corner by the Jade, one on the other side and then the front of the west bed because I remembered seeing some damage on the radishes.

Yes the soil surface looks dry but with luck it won't be that way tomorrow. Now then, about those peas...

At least three pods that I could see, being the same color as the leaves it was hard to get a close look at them (looking forward to moving that crate somewhere else and I just realized where I could put it). I also have to remember to pick these pods when they're big and just beginning to swell. Just hope there's enough to use in like a salad or something. Would need more than a handful if I did a stir fry or something.

The wee cauliflower in the south bed has been munched. Oh well. I'll be pulling the other ones soon enough when the beds get changed over. Cauliflower, broccoli and bulb onions are off my growing list for sure. Lettuce is still out for the vote other than the Romaine.

Why did I take a picture of the compost? Because, as much as you can't see it in the pictures, tons of snail trails all over. Especially the left bucket where I dropped those two decollate snails.They're going to town on the veggie bits for sure and if I can keep them there that's fine by me. I still need to find a soil sieve so I don't put them back into the garden.

And a final picture of the Romaine. Just outstanding production from these two because the bed their in is just so fantastic. I had one of the other garden group people say that the Kellog's bed mix is terrible and how they had to always add stuff to it. All I ever added was organic fertilizer a few times a year. I commented with pictures of my plants from last year. Planning on doing it again this year too. Tell me again why I wouldn't buy this product? The worms are coming up, the snails and pill bugs certainly love log and leaf base I used.  

There really isn't anything wrong with the soil in the ground other than it being gritty and sandy clay. The cilantro over in the corner certainly is doing fine and as I have discovered, nothing eats it. The snails and slugs, not even pill bugs chew on it. It's not a good pest repellent though because you'd have to plant it in between and around everything and then in mid summer when it's needed the most, it's done.

Things to do for the summer crops: fertilizer, bedding soil for south and west bed, maybe one more for the raised bed. Sluggo Plus and green onion seed.

That about does it I think. Yeah. I'm good for now.

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

 We got some serious rain over the week. Some places reported almost four inches! I don't know how much we got but it was a nice gentle ...