Thursday, March 28, 2024

Just some gorwing updates.

 The morning started out a flat white cloud cover. Like you would think it was a blank piece of paper. Not a break on it, at least from my bedroom window. It is now sunny, barely a breeze and the haze is mostly burned off. On track for rain on the weekend it looks like.

Variable skies for sure, flat white to the south and east lighter haze then to the north clearer skies. So it was mostly sunny by the time I got out to the garden.

Onions are above the rim of the bed, the snow peas are slowly fading (I picked four of them and munched on them while I surveyed the area). The sweet peas are incredibly full! I tried tucking and moving some of the branches but they are very much attached with tendrils to everything. I can't wait for the flowers!

Speaking of onions, the south bed ones are reaching for the sky now that the radishes are gone and the sun and rain are happening. I just cut up one of the larger ones I pulled a week ago and used it in my breakfast. Was going to keep the end of it to re grow and thought, 'nah, still holding out for seeds'. The soil does look dry but only about a quarter inch down.

The cilantro has recovered, it was probably just the rain or my watering that battered it down. Might be cutting some of that over the weekend along with the south bed to fix some salsa.










Well, I tried to get a picture of the four tomato seedlings coming up but angle and lighting did not cooperate. Dry soil was also not helpful but that's four out of a dozen or so and that's more than enough for me. I had eight last year and ended up with four and only two were big producers. This is a different variety but still a roma variety and should be a good producer.

The aloe is still doing good, I gave it some water the other day but with as tight as it is in the pot, it's likely solid roots in there. I know for a fact because I had to uproot it and move it, has to way about 40 lbs at least. The compost is doing good, didn't bother shaking things up, I didn't see the birds flitting around so the ants are likely settled or moved on and the fruit flies, snails, worms and other things are doing their job in the compost buckets.

Speaking of ants, at least three of them drowned in the water. I am not sad at all about that, there were enough of them flying around that they could populate the entire block with nests. 

I am going to try and spread out the soil in that one container to double check for any that may have tried to nest there. Then sift it as much as possible and plant a few of the straightneck squash seeds next week. Apparently April is the time to plant squash, tomatoes, pepper and a few other types to get ready for summer planting.  I may be on track this year.

I sprayed vinegar on the weeds along the wall yesterday. Mixed scrubby grass and oxalis. The grass was hardly affected but the oxalis is toast. That is a testament to that water tension I talked about. Going to put more vinegar in the bottle with a drop of soap and try again tomorrow before the rain comes. Might do that later today actually.

Growing and killing and moving and shaking.... shhhh no shaking.

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