Monday, May 20, 2024

And the peas came tumbling down

 Weather started cloudy but has cleared, as per usual this time of year. It is warm and perfect gardening weather, just a tad bit too warm so I thought I wasn't going to do anything serious. Let's start with yesterday though.

Clear skies, late afternoon shot of the sweet peas. The maroon color is the tallest ones at the very top and a lot of pods visible so that's what influenced my decision today to bring it down.

The big black lizard was hanging out on the back wall, oddly enough I was walking Rocky and he didn't even see the lizard. Good to see them taking advantage  of all parts of the garden, I've seen one or two scooting from the south side to the woodpile a number of times.











I also decided yesterday to pull the big green onions. They weren't forthcoming with a flower stalk so out they came before they got any bigger. These were about a half inch across, at the base.  All washed up and the roots trimmed and in the fridge now.


Tomatillos and strawberries! Well plants for the first one at least, they're getting pretty big so I'm going to be transplanting at least two of those somewhere this week. Three strawberry flowers! It's a very happy plant, just wish I could put it in something bigger.

I noticed at a distance, there was a second yellow flower bud on the epi! The pinks are still pumping out flowers all over the place.

As big as the pink ones and just as gorgeous, I'm as thrilled as if I had grown it myself. There's a few pots in front of other apartments with cuttings in them and wonder if they were taken from this plant or someone elses. There's a miniature epi the same coloring as this yellow over near the roses, need to check on that and see if it's blooming yet.

I had to tie up the cauliflower leaves a bit more due to the opening at the top aimed right at the sun. The head is growing nicely and staying nice and white. Still no flower head on the other one and the chives, still tossing up flowers.

I decided to just yank the three pitiful tomato and one pepper in the long container. Hardly any roots on them at all and then dumped that soil into the south bed without concern for the lone cilantro sprout there. A bit discouraged right now compared to last year.


How it started....
How it went.....

How it finished. Those roots were long and spread out! The soil was cool but not moist at all, I had to tug and pull really hard to get the major root clump out.

These were roots rivaling the tomatoes when I pulled them up. Which is a good sign and why they were so freaking happy growing there.

Lots of leaves in the bed and as an afterthought, realize I should have not left them in there due to the powdery mildew on them, oh well. I also remembered that I'm allergic to that particular mold. Ended up with a runny nose and sneezing. All better now thankfully. 

I hauled the big mass all the way to the dumpster (which didn't help my allergy) and a few stragglers were tossed on the compost buckets. Everything got watered very thoroughly for sure, and looking at the soil quality of the raised bed, it needs another three bags of bedding soil to top it off. After I get the carrot out and minding the two onions. I also realized I took away one of the lizard hiding highways from the log pile to the jade bush. Oh well, they'll just have to take the low road behind the bed wall.

Took the tops off the three containers and then noticed just how big the tomatillos were getting. That may be on the list for things to do tomorrow. Can you see the lizard in the other picture? Not the green thing but just under that. I saw the tail and thought it was a branch of some sort until I noticed the rest of the body. I didn't want to move around much or it would frighten it off so looks like a lizard and chameleon on top of it.

Serious work done, the peas were remarkably awkward and yet easy to pull down.  I salvaged a small bouquet and before going back upstairs decided to water the downstairs neighbors yard again. Her friend/neighbor across the way heard me watering and came out to thank me. I then gave her the bouquet and she said she would take them to Terry (the lady who lives below us) to cheer her up. Dangit, forgot to take a picture again.  

My years of watering habits rose up as I was watering, making sure the hose was out of the way and not tangled on anything. There are two hoses, one was a 'Bullet'expandable hose and the other is a standard reinforced type. I decided to use my nozzle on the expandable hose and even at full expansion the hose didn't reach as far as the other one. I may have put my nozzle on too hard as I heard a click and now can't get it off the hose. Oh well. You're welcome whoever used that hose. It was almost completely buried in the ivy behind the bushes so I don't think anyone had used it recently.

That's my gardening excitement for the week I think. I hope those peppers and tomatoes come up soon, I'm way behind schedule.


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