Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Not much going on again.

 Weather is warming up more consistently now, sky is basically the same as yesterday and so are the temps. I only watered lightly today since I soaked everything yesterday. Not much else really going on, but I did get pictures of the downstairs garden.

The rose bush is looking gorgeous and smells wonderful. Tiffany is still on my top ten roses for fragrance and color. The pink below that flower are two that were pretty much done and someone decided to water heavily and the stems just folded over. I didn't have my clippers to take them off properly.

You can just barely see the green wire I used to tie up the leaves a bit better and back there next to the cilantro I moved the rose and watered it really well. It was dry again even though I watered it yesterday. I really, really need to get a new container for it. That potato.....'nuf said.

This is Terry's garden, the corner that got crashed into last year. The bougainvillea is coming back just in front of that loquat. I was seriously wilted when I watered two days ago so it's happy again. Miscellaneous succulents in containers on the table next to the tree, which is the jacaranda I speak of so often.

She split up the Sansevieria that had been wiped out in the crash and planted the individual leaves all along her border and apparently this year she sprinkled some Bachelor Button seeds in between. Three hanging string of pearls and a rather sorry looking petunia that needs replacing. She has the whirlygigs, little ceramic mushrooms and gnomes, and on her porch is a potted milkweed, geranium and I think a San Pedro cactus (tall pencil type with thorns).  She used to have a Mandevillea in a pot just beyond the two rainbow whirly but it died and there is now a rather stretched out Martha Washington Geranium that's got a few flowers on it. Go figure.

So kind of hoping I'll be able to help her spruce it up a bit when she comes home.

SQUIRREL!  Ground squirrels near the park on my walk. The dry lot beyond them is the multi use area for the school for PE and what have you.

So now I'm off to play in my other hobby with string and stuff.

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