Saturday, May 25, 2024

Flowers, and other things

 The weather is perfect for the weekend. I thought at first that, compared to yesterday that dawned and stayed cool and cloudy, today would be the same. It started that way but it's partly cloudy and windy at 1pm. Still beautiful weather no matter.











Swiftly moving clouds makes for beautiful skies in varying shades of blue, white and grey (and the green of trees of course).











The rose on my walk is incredible. I wish I knew the name of them both, the bigger, darker pink flowered one rings a bell in my mind from decades ago but have no idea and the second one is totally unknown to me. I will have to post pictures on the garden group to see if any of the rose experts there know.


It looks like most of the honeysuckle on that fence was killed. Possibly from cutting it on the other side of the fence. The purple Brunfelsias are also in bloom even better than last year and the jasmine is in full bloom! Jasmine is one of my favorite flowering vines for the fragrance alone.










A totally random yellow flower milkweed growing in the junipers in front of the school. There is also a lemonade berry bush growing behind other junipers further to the right. I hope they don't cut that down in favor of the junipers. Going out the door yesterday and saw this Mourning Cloak butterfly just chilling on our front 'porch'. 

Just had to get a picture of the sago palm with new leaves, just fun to see that sort of symmetry and shapes in a plant.

Meanwhile back in my garden, I saw Dolores and asked if I could use one of her pots for the rose I have and she was more than happy to let me have one. Hopefully that will help them a bit, I didn't get a picture of the rootball but it was a total mass of roots so I didn't try to untangle them. Hoping that it thrives in the new soil and more space. I also realized that may be a zinnia seedling but it's growing in the pot I only planted the peppers, I decided to yank it.

 Despite protection, two of the tomatillos show signs of being chewed. Dangit. Will keep them protected for sure and might even break out another couple of those cheap cups. The one in the back corner had the deformed bottomless pot and the other had the bottomless rectangle. Just enough leaf showing that they somehow were eaten. I also tied up the other cauliflower making as sure as possible there wasn't a hidden caterpillar in there.

One of the other roses is blooming and I know this one by heart, Paradise. It's one that I had picked out (nameless at the time) for one of my kids when we had a house. I cut the two roses that had been broken off and put those in the compost, then on the way back cut off one of the other ones to take upstairs. And that other picture? A carrot. A freaking carrot somehow came up right next to the cilantro. Looks like I'll just cut down the cilantro to give that more light. 

And yet I can't seem to get my tomatoes seeds to grow this year! Took the peppers forever and not even sure if I'm going to have green peppers at all or a squash! There's pictures of people with cucumbers and pumpkin plants, tomato plants ready to pick.... just so disheartening. So if nothing comes up by next month, I'm going to go buy some fertilizer and plants instead of waiting for seeds to come up.

Gardening sure is fickle!

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