Saturday, May 4, 2024

Making up for ho hum today, flowers and more flowers!

 Weather is still overcast surprisingly, breezy/windy so maybe that's going to change. In the mid to high 60's today and tomororw but clearing Monday and Tuesday then back to partly cloudy, so there you go. May Grey is officially here.

The rose bush on my walk is exploding with flowers again. I've been taking a different direction on my walks until yesterday so haven't been able to see them. Still have no clue what they are but doesn't matter because they're still pretty.











Still getting handfuls of flowers and the cilantro of course is going off but as soon as the first seed head forms I'm pulling it and adding it to the compost. Been doing that with the sweetpeas all along. 

Everything looking good for the most part and most of those seedlings in the upper right picture are tomatillos. Peppers are just being slow pokes for sure. That tomato container...... all of those are looking so sickly I don't know what to do. I think there's at least one pepper coming up and  I made a decision to test something. Oh, and forgot to mention I planted the squash yesterday.

I decided to take the tallest but most yellow tomato seedling and transplant it to the corner, but first, I had to water. Once again used the soaker setting, spray, mist, everything and thought I had gotten all the corners and edges. Nope. The front and center of the raised bed were just fine, and despite soaking the back area it was still bone dry about a half inch down. Had already put the hose away and got it back again to soak and same thing happened. I decided to just take soil that was really wet and mix it all together. Transplanted tomato is that little yellowish two leaf thing in front of the trellis.

So got everything all mixed together and while I still had the hose out I sprayed the logs for the lizards, but didn't see there was a lizard out sunning until it moved when it got sprayed. I think they know I'm okay but still scatter when I move too close. I appeared to ignore it for the rest of my puttering in the garden and it stayed in that spot to dry out and warm up. 

Cabbage worms are already on the cauliflower. That leaf was one of the lower, older ones so I took it to the compost pile. I'll check the plant again tomorrow for anymore damage, not likely there's only one on that plant.

And finally, (in reverse order) I noticed a bud ready to open on the epi while walking Rocky today, but I was in a hurry to get him inside as I had food cooking. A little skipper butterfly was flitting around when I got to the garden this morning and was able to get a shot of it. I had a close up shot but it was too grainy so deleted that one. Still good to see a butterfly there but it's a bit late for flowers on the jade. Another reason to keep the cilantro flowers.

I got my new phone and am being extremely cautious and careful when out in the garden and everywhere else until I get a new case for it. 

Hmm, looks almost like it's going to sprinkle a bit outside.

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