Sunday, May 5, 2024

Welll, it did rain overnight! Today is gorgeous!

 Today is the kind of weather that I remember from visiting Lake Tahoe (minus the pine smell). Windy, crisp, clear air and partly cloudy skies. However much rain fell it wasn't enough to stick around for very long. Since I watered yesterday the beds were no indication of how much water fell from the sky.











Absolutely refreshing weather that tells you that the world goes on and walk gratefully and breathe deeply. Not too many pictures today since I was interrupted by one of the other ladies (let's call her Mary) who was talking with someone else through their door so I picked some more sweet peas and gave them out.











The pink rose on the left is the Tiffany and the one on the right is another pink one. Still beautiful and smell wonderful. First flower of the epi has opened, I couldn't get any closer due to seeing it while walking Rocky. Will try and get out there before it gets too dark and get another picture. It's huge though! I know from scale that it's bigger than my hand spread!

And on to my garden, as I said I was interrupted with someone who just wanted to see the garden so I was explaining what was who's and what they were. Those are definitely all tomatillos but that's okay, when they get big enough I'll repot and offer them up for eggs or something else for trade. I can only use maybe two in what space I have. The strawberry is bouncing back nicely and the tomato seedling I planted is still standing, although shaded by the sweet peas. When I dug it out of the container it had one long root only about inch and a half long so I wasn't going to hold out any hope for it surviving. I think I planted the squash a bit too far back. Might have to move it even though it seems to be in the center.

I didn't see anymore damage on the cauliflower plants from caterpillars and I nipped off several chive leaves and a flower (by accident) to bring upstairs. I noticed one of the leaves on the unknown onion was kind of broken so I nipped that off during my walk with Rocky and nibbled on it. Most definitely onion, possibly white so those two in the bed are from the mystery onion. Hoping those last long enough to harvest by end of summer. The larger carrot in the west bed still doesn't look dark enough orange to harvest so that's staying put and obviously the one in the raised bed is nowhere near big enough.

That's it for today. Short post compared to the other day but at least the weather is amazing. Sweater/windbreaker weather for sure.

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