Monday, June 17, 2024

A loss in the garden, nothing horrendous

 The weather isn't as warm as the other day but will be creeping up into the multi days of 80's in a week. We're getting some smokey haze from some fires north of L.A but no smell of smoke. No pictures of the weather, again.










The coriander continues to die down, had to tie it to the pole because it was falling over from all the weight of the seeds, those are still green so not cutting it down yet. The pink rose was in bud yesterday and today is blooming only one flower so far. Would like to know which one it is because it bugs me to not know the name. 

First loss, the hose finally blew out. I don't know if Dolores is going to replace it or not, will try and catch her in the morning and ask if I can pitch in on half for a better hose. Good thing the squash wasn't in the ground or I'd be a bit more annoyed. I did manage to get everything watered last night taking the nozzle off and just held it and sprayed with my thumb as best I could.

I don't remember why I took the picture of the west bed, maybe just for reference. You can see how the fence and dirt is wet from my watering attempt. I was even at HD today as I got a small influx of money but still didn't feel like spending $40 on a hose.

Hard to tell but there's more cilantro coming up behind the tomatillos, yay! Had to bounce spray off the wall to do my best of misting them rather than drenching them. I almost wiped them out with the very ungentle watering. Everything was still moist today but will keep an eye on them.

The other loss was something decided to help themself to my lone strawberry, and here I thought it was safe from marauders. I was going to pick it today too, oh well. More strength into the plant at least for it's first year. Once I transplant it to the bigger pot it'll have a better chance, especially since I was able to buy some fertilizer today!

The product photo is more flattering than anything I can do. First time using it but it has all the micro organisms and stuff that most other organics have. Going to fertilize tomorrow hopefully, depending on weather there's a good hose yet or not. I also FINALLY picked up a packet of bunching onion seeds! Those have to wait until the fall though, so maybe October or November.Might just  mix some into the soil around the seedlings in the beds anyway.


ADHD gardening for the win! I decided to up and do that tonight. Was able to sprinkle some around everywhere but not very efficiently and same with the watering.

Everything got a little, but it's hard to figure out how much to give them when the measurement is '1 cup per 10 foot row'. Ummmm how much does that work out per 4" pot or small seedling? Tablespoon? Teaspoon? I just winged it using a plastic fork to stir the soil around and a plastic cup to kind of spill some around the plants. That strawberry was kind of dry and soil was hard so gave that another shot of water. Might have to repot that sooner than later.


I feel better about them all surviving now. Definitely need a new hose though and as I said, will see if I can catch Dolores about that. If we split the cost it's a bit more affordable to get a better hose.

Okay gardening done, day is done, gone the sun (well almost gone).

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Questions? Comments, Concerns...

Well, calamity struck.

 I never got out to the garden yesterday because I figured it wasn't worth it. I should have watered because it's been dry of course...