Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trimming here and there

 Weather is still clear, a bit hazy and warming up again. Very breezy, which is wonderful coming through the apartment and outside if you're in the sun. Bees are visiting the Jacaranda outside the window and a pair of doves are gathering supplies for a new nest. They've been out on the railings calling to each other.  Not sure where they'll build their nest other than the Jacaranda or podocarpus. 

 Leaf shadows on the steps coming down today. Nandina in the shade of the sycamores over head. Wonderful little vignettes, it was tricky to get them framed because the wind was blowing and the shadows would move.










The squash is putting out tiny roots through the holes of the pot which means it's getting of a size to plant out except...... pill bugs in the hole. I looked for some Sluggo Plus or something similar when I went to HD but all they had was an iron phosphate formula, nothing with the other ingredient I need for the pill bugs. So that will have to wait until I can to get to a nursery that sells it. The local Armstrong has it listed and the small canister is now up to $22 for the name brand and $20 for the other. Grumble. I always knew it was expensive just hoped the price didn't jump that much. That's why HD doesn't carry it anymore, price point was preventing people from buying it.





Tomatillos are still growing really well, branches are spreading out and even the little one is picking up speed. Two day ago that taller one was only up to the lowest rung of the cage. Grow my pretties, grow!

I left the squash almost completely out of the soil because I noticed holes and nibbles on the leaves. Not going to take any chances until I can get that pill bug bait. Either I knocked the last container of tomatillos over or something else did overnight but it was sitting there long enough for the plant to bend up to the sun. All fixed and should be straighter in twenty-four hours. 

Now for the trimming. Before, on May 31, focused on Rocky and the lizard but you can see how far out into the path the lemon is.

And today, did a pretty decent straight line trim to clear it away from the path. Didn't have to swerve around it when I walked past. I also trimmed the rose but didn't take any pictures, just took off the dead upper branches. I also broke off some of the jade branches on the right side to gradually trim that back as well. Just tossed the branches behind the bush, they'll grow or break down either way. I stuffed the lemon branches into the back compost bucket so it isn't as noticeable. 

It's also Mayfly season, there's been at least one on my window screen every day for about two weeks. The only place they lay their eggs is the drainage canal about a half block away.The birds are slowly coming back but still not as much singing as before. Hoping the hawks find a suitable new nesting tree, the crows are causing a ruckus the other day and I knew they were trying to chase off a hawk.

Getting close to harvest time for the coriander, hoping to find a spice/coffee/pepper grinder at the thrift store or somewhere for cheap. More than enough seed for planting and for grinding.

That's it for today, summer is creeping up both on the calendar and in the weather.

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