Sunday, July 28, 2024

Evening is the better time for gardening

 Not nearly as hot and the lighting is perfect when the sun isn't directly overhead for taking pictures. Nights are definitely cooling down, getting into the 60's and daytimes are in the 80's this week. Much more pleasant and manageable even during the day. Still have the AC on but turning it off when the sun goes down.

The parrots have returned on their biennial migration pattern. Small groups right now but in the next few weeks I suspect the flocks will be larger. The tomatillo guardian mantis is still there, hanging out on the same branch today. It moved from when I took that picture in the morning and when I went out in the evening but is still there. I hope it's finding enough food.

I need more dirt for those potatoes. Two more roots have sprouted up but if they don't have any soil there won't be any tubers formed. I fertilized another squash, used one today in dinner so still two more in the fridge. There are fewer fruit flowers coming on now so hopefully the crossovers will happen easier. Tiny teeny ants are acting as pollinator vectors hopefully. I see them in the flowers but never on the stems or plant.

The one puny tomato that was left I decided to plant in the corner. Not going to be worried if it doesn't survive, the ones I 'gave' to Layla are doing okay, I water them whenever I see they're dry.I cut another leaf out of the way for the fish pepper, it's getting kind of leggy from all the shade and the squash won't be harmed losing another leaf.

Yeah, I don't think it's going to miss that one leaf. Or the other one at the back that's damaged from water/sun. I suspect that there might be an abundance of nitrogen in that soil if that plant is so dang happy.

Lots of flowers on the peppers and tomatoes but still too early for fruit. Hope it's still warm enough in a month for them to fruit. They're all in the nightshade family with the tomatillos so here's hoping for bumper crops of fruit in a month.
I can't believe I forgot to mention the baby lizard I saw three days ago! It held still long enough for that picture then turned and headed into the grass and under the bush. I hope that's the one I almost stepped on. If not one of it's nest mates, still gives me a great thrill to see so many lizards and birds and butterflies around.

That's it for today and yesterday, all is quiet and cool at night.

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