Saturday, July 6, 2024

Not much going on the last few days.

Weather is what it is still but this morning it was rather foggy and cool so that was nice for a change. But now by early afternoon it's clear, hazy and hot. That's the way we go. No pretty picture for the thumbnail.



Can you see the lizard? Rocky noticed it before I did and it scooted up the tree about ten feet before I could find it. Got out and watered last night, tomatillos are still blooming and so far holding them. No open flowers on the squash. As I mentioned, they're all males at this time for the plant but there's a lot of them. Easier to see them in the raised bed than when I had the zucchini in the ground. Here's hoping it's as prolific as the cucumber was last year.

Last night after watering and this morning. Everything is looking great so far, finally seeing height on the peppers and tomatoes and nothing has bothered the tiny pepper in the front, yet.

It was too late last night and too hot this morning to do the transplants in the cups so will try tonight. Chives are still growing and so is the oregano but not very quickly despite the heat. Cilantro and carrot babies are still behind the tomatillo, hoping the cilantro grows a bit faster because I'm out of fresh. I did separate and winnow the coriander and put the seeds in a different container in the cupboard. Still looking for a grinder I can use to get coriander powder for cooking because I have more than enough seed to use in the garden, give away AND grind. I swear I will not let it get that big again, I do not need anymore coriander.

That's all I've got for today. The jacaranda flowers are mostly gone, the big four or five cluster branch is nearly naked and pathetic looking now. Seed pots are forming already and leaves still haven't filled in. It is technically early summer as we still have two more months of hot weather to go. Sun is setting around 8pm so makes for long hot days, but it wouldn't be summer in the Northern hemisphere if it wasn't.

It is what it is and what it is is ..what we have.

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