Saturday, July 20, 2024

Still hot, garden is struggling

 Haven't melted yet but came close.

I am reluctant to post anything on any of my blogs due to the change in the way the images are loaded. It's not as smooth as before and I haven't found any solution to it. 

So anyway. I did find a solution to another problem.


But first, the weather and some doves. Yes the skies have been blue and the air has been hot. But the nights are tolerable and cool at least. We didn't turn the AC off until 9 pm. On the other hand, a pair of Mourning Doves found a place to nest that wasn't in the tree. Downstairs neighbor pointed it out to us day before yesterday and then there they were sitting in the tree. The male was doing some quiet calls so not really sure what was going on, hope the nest was okay.

 There's still a lot more fruit flowers than pollen flowers but I'm still trying to get the pollen. I made what I thought was a humorous post in the garden group about needing pollen and one of the admin took it down because (according to them) I was asking for pollen and it was in the wrong group. I guess they thought I was serious. Oh well.  I got another piece of wire to hold the tomatoes against the trellis so they're doing okay and of course the squash is taking over.

The leaves on the strawberry continue to shrivel and brown from 'overwatering' I pulled it out and put it in the raised bed then dumped all the soil in that brown pot and the seedling containers into the west bed. I hope that strawberry survives. I'm wondering if it's the pot or the soil but considering the rose died as well but both were doing fine in smaller containers, it might be the container and the soil.

So yeah. I hope it recovers. The soil wasn't that wet or compacted when I dug it up, the roots were still in one ball though so I'm hoping it recovers in the bigger bed. The cilantro and silly carrot are still growing and that other UFP hasn't grown as much. The soil in that bed and the west bed is really compacted with very little organic matter to break up the soil.

Still no fruit growing on the tomatillos. Tons of flowers, but then the fruit just drops off after the petals fall off. Very odd. So doing research apparently they don't like high heat. They are an early or late season plant that sets fruit better when days are shorter and cooler but still warm. Will have to see what happens in another month. Oh and I spread that soil from the pot around the potato end of that planter and tried to mix it in a little. Apparently there's a lot of thick roots from the potato close to the surface and they start sending up leaves when they get warm. So there's another sprout coming up. That soil is not deep enough for potatoes to form. I need to get more soil in there in the fall or pull all that out and use the crate  in the spring. Having a perpetual potato bed is not unheard of apparently.

Then there's the lemon bush. It's blooming and sending out new growth that is immediately attacked by leaf miners. I'll have to try and remember to bring down my clippers and take care of that. I broke off one of those branches that was sticking out but need mechanical help for the other one.

So that's basically all for the past two days. Problems aplenty with hopeful solutions. 

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