Sunday, July 21, 2024

Another hot one and possible squash!

 We closed up early as expected but opened earlier than last night. The trend for summer continues and still  no solution for the photo uploading problem. 

Last of the sunlight on the land today, wish I had a more picturesque landscape to have for photos, but as they say it is what it is.

The fish pepper is continuing to grow well, I cut off another leaf that was making it lean and then noticed that the main branch for the squash had grown toward the front left corner. Oh, and I do believe that larger squash in the bottom picture succeeded! It's bigger than the others by a good bit so will check it tomorrow and likely cut it for taking.

Difference between evening and this afternoon. Can definitely tell everything was already wilting a bit from the heat. Squash of any kind including cucumbers are beasts in the garden. I knew this one was going to take over so I didn't plant much around it. By the time the tomatoes are kicking into high gear the squash will be hanging over the front edge no doubt.

Not sure what's going on with the pepper on the left. It looks like it's wilted but the stems are solid not soft. The poblano on the right is just fine even though it's kind of crowded by the squash leaves. Wonder if the jalapeƱo is staying too wet? The strawberry is hanging in there and if I could have I would have dug up some soil from the raised bed and put it in a pot but as I said, it may be too far gone now.

Again with the half hole scraping in the same spot as last time. Definitely something kicking dirt rather than digging a hole. I used the white rock I found and prodded the area but it wasn't any softer than before. The tomatillos are fine and the cilantro hasn't been bothered. There's three different holes along the wall in Layla's beds that she shoved a good size log into when she watered. All she has in those beds are green onions and some bean looking plant and the weeds. Oh and she hasn't planted the tomatoes yet. I might have to try and catch her sometime and ask if she didn't really want them I can offer them to someone else.

That tomatillo in the west bed is taking off now and actually has a couple of flowers as well as the potato as well as two more spud sprouts now coming up next to it.

Guess that'll be the nightshade planter for now, not necessarily a good thing but it is what I've got right now. I need to take more measurements again because I lost all my notes I had on my phone. 

That's all for today, more heat on the way.

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