Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another scorcher and research.

 90 degrees at noon. Yeah.... I have driving to do for school pick up so it's going to be interesting. I will be watering in the evenings now, and actually had to water twice the other day because I had watered in the late morning which means it baked off most of the day. It's breezy still but not a harbinger of a change in weather. Still going to be seriously hot for another week.

Not too many pictures today so far because I haven't been out to the garden yet. So pictures of late afternoon sun from yesterday on the trees.

Looking extremely healthy but fewer flowers than the other bushes. But this is a nitrogen heavy bed from previous tests. For the research I looked up on pollinating tomatillos and discovered something I didn't know. They are cross pollinators. Which means I need to get a q-tip or paint brush, go to the west bed bushes and gather pollen, then go to the other bushes and brush on some flowers there then do the reverse. I thought maybe they were cooler season types but nope, everyone says they're just like tomatoes and peppers it's the pollination that's different. Typically they get pollinated by bees but since that's lacking, have to do it myself. Just like the cucumber and squash. Have to remember my paintbrush and a cotton swab tonight.










 Still thinking that broad leaf plant is a zinnia that will never bloom because it will never see the direct light of the sun. The cilantro and lone carrot are also not faring well due to lack of sun. It was an experiment and not really disappointed.



And lastly just some flowers from elsewhere. Hard to see but the liriope flowers on the left have a pale pink color toward the bottom and yes the leaves are chopped off because that's what the gardeners do. And the flowers on Dolores' mint plant that I saw a butterfly on the other day. I didn't think to smell them but will remember to do that tonight.

So I have some pollinating to do and pictures to take tonight. The squash is still being over productive and the tomatoes are growing fine, as well as the peppers. Getting antsy about picking the peppers but will wait, still a few weeks off from full size.

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And.... rampaging mammals again.

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