Sunday, August 11, 2024

Highly unusual....rain and heat.

 So, we closed up early as usual this time of the year with sketchy wispy clouds yesterday it started clouding over moreso earlier today. Then it started looking positively overcast. I checked the weather and it said a 72% of rain and it was 87 degrees. Sure enough, you know what happens when you have high temperatures and rain? Sauna. 90% humidity. We didn't open up until the sun was edging down and the temp got below 70. (I  never got outside yesterday for whatever reason, was busy did stuff and then it was too hot).

Around sunset, after the rain it was tolerable outside. The ground was spattered looking, good thing I watered earlier.

Still no sign of Manny the mantis and couldn't see the caterpillar either. I decided to cut back the tallest and worst burnt branches on the tomatillo. Going to give it another few days or so, maybe a week.

Poblano's are looking good, about an inch now and filling out nicely. JalapeƱos are also doing well but still rather small, nowhere near size to pick yet. The tomato is still hanging in there and more seem to be forming. Just not a very robust plant at all and yet still producing, so surviving not thriving.

Walking Rocky in the evening and I saw a yellow leaf stem on the ground, that was curious so I picked it up and realized the entire leaf had been eaten. Looking up, entire branch tips were decimated. Remember that Red-Humped caterpillar I found in July? That's why, Liquidambar are one of the favored trees that the moth lays her eggs on. I never noticed it last year but this year they are all over that tree, not so much the one next to it and the third one that I usually take a picture of, couldn't see any damage at all. So the moth that lays the eggs only got that far but wow it was decimating it. Apparently this is the second generation of caterpillars as the first one is in April-May, then June-July is the second hatching. This being August, the damage must have started last month and I didn't notice until now.

So that's the excitement for today, possibility of power being cut if I can't pay my bill in the next day or two. Updates as they happen on facebook.

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