Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Minimal pictures, tomatoes planted and pulledf


Same picture different day. Still hot so not getting out during the day unless absolutely necessary. Got out last evening and Dolores was there so we chatted a bit about plants failing and growing.

It wasn't thriving so I pulled it and replaced it with the taller of the two left in containers that Layla hasn't done anything with. If she complains I'll grow her another. I put the other one in the west bed where there is now room.

Still no tomatillos, squash keeps pumping out fruit but no pollinators but the peppers and tomatoes are fruiting!

All that wasted energy and fruit. I pollinated another one and there was a male and female that were about the same age last night but I won't be getting out there until later. Hope the flowers are still good.

Finally a tomato! There are a few that are right behind it in development but the plants are so much smaller than they should be. And .... a single rat poop on the log pile fabric. Just sitting there all nice and neat, so I wonder if it's living in the log pile or just traveling through? Squash is untouched but will see if the tomatoes get nibbled when they are ripening. Very odd. First sign of any four legged critters other than digging.

Manny the Mantis is still hanging around, I showed him off to Dolores but disturbed him a bit too much and he kind of slunk down the branch a bit. Now then.... you see that little sprout there in the bed? One of the squash is pointing right at it. So help me, if it's a potato I think I'm going to be very upset. I know I had potatoes there early in the season but didn't think I left anything behind. The soil is very shallow and close to the logs at the bottom so if I am able to add more soil after the squash and other stuff is done I can keep that one too. I'm going to be the potato lady for sure.

I think the fall/winter crops are going to be carrots, radishes, lettuce, onions and potatoes. Need a different carrot and radish variety but I have enough lettuce for making some good salad. Oh yeah and cilantro. Wondering if I should get some parsley, nah I have a huge bag of dried parsley that was a gift. Sweet peas again, of course, but not much else that I would eat. As much as I loved those sweet peas they were a bit much to handle. 

There really isn't much else to do. Going to be a lot of work when this season finishes up and I get the shovel out and dig in more soil. Hopefully.

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