Sunday, September 15, 2024

Been busy, not much happening but weather.

 I was out all day yesterday visiting a friend and the day started out rather cloudy and cool I still only have shorts to wear so I hoped it would warm up, which it did. It was a lovely day and still is where we are, still cloudy and breezy and at 2 pm, only in the mid to high 70's. Absolutely heaven!

Three days ago when I was on my walk, clear blue skies but mild temperature. I just had to take a picture of that palm tree and 'mountain' in the distance. Today, clouds horizon to horizon in varying shades of grey and white. Such a relief!


So, three days ago got out to the garden and something had been very industrious digging around in the west bed. Unearthed the pepper and dug all along the front and a little to the sides and back. One of the peppers seemed to have been burned and then I realized it was likely blossom end rot, oh well. I know there's a possum in the neighborhood for sure so it's just mildly frustrating. I replanted the pepper and moved the soil around so everything survived. I also noticed that little tradescantia that I had planted was dug up and frankly, didn't care so I tossed it.

The tomatoes are... surviving. I actually pulled the large one that was coloring up this morning. Again it was a case of not holding on very tight and came off in my hand, which as it should be.

It was starting to get a little sunburned where my thumb is holding it. Just like the later season romas from last year. Still no sight of Manny for the past three or four days, he's hiding really well now. Probably a bit skittish from me jostling the bushes to find him.

So Dolores didn't just cut off a short piece of the hose. She then cut of another chunk which shortened it by at least two more feet. The hose doesn't even reach the raised bed now and I used to be able to walk to the jade bush with it fully stretched. Very frustrating to say the least. A new good hose would probably be about $30. I personally would want a short wand on it as well but that's just me. Wonder if I can convince her to pitch in 10 dollars and I'll go buy another one this time. 

I hate it when people don't listen to my advice and then something worse happens caused by their stubbornness or ignorance. I don't think I'm going to have any free money next month so will have to keep surviving on what we have.

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