Thursday, September 5, 2024

Not many pictures.... it's....haaaaht

 Will start with the weather report in pictures:

In order of appearance according to timestamp. 86 at 10:11 am, 103 at 1:40 PM, 97 at 1:57 PM (different location) and finally 98 back home at 6:40 pm. It is currently 92 at 7:45. It topped out at 107 today.

AC won't be turned off for quite some time sadly. My electric bill is going to be through the roof which I cannot afford on my own.

Loony garden lady. I got the broom and swept up as much as I could on the sidewalk this morning and dumped it in the beds. It wasn't much and the extra leaf bits are fine as future compost working into the soil. In the evening I noticed that the area under the tree near the garden looked like it had sprinkled, but it was even more frass from the branch overhead. I'll probably try and sweep again tomorrow because yeah.... busy little twits.


What it looked like after I watered it in this evening. I sprinkled some around the tomatillos of course and some more in the raised bed around the tomatoes and in the middle. The lone poblano fruit, sadly is getting sunburned. I think those and the other peppers, despite them being hot peppers, given the weather, need to be planted much earlier.

Very sad looking bushes because despite the sun being down, it was still very hot and they had not recovered from the heat of the day yet. Gave everything a light to moderate watering to hold them over and then searched for Manny.

I watered the bushes lightly and shook them a bit to try and see any movement then decided a few branches could be tied up. Was about to give up and when I backed away, there he was. Yay!  Looks like he was way out at the tip of the branch and me shifting the bushes made him scurry for cover. I didn't see him until I saw him in that last picture, I was that close. Did not see him at all in the other views until I zoomed in the photo and saw him.

So, all is good as it can get in the garden. Didn't bring down my clippers but planning on that for the weekend. I've seen a couple of composters people were giving away but they were a half hour drive away and it is not worth driving that far.

It'll happen when I least expect it I'm sure. I found an electric hand mixer on the table the other day that works! So, yeah, things will happen when they happen and not a moment too soon.

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