Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Lovely true fall weather

Short post today, not much to take pictures of except for a change in the weather. It drizzled this morning and yesterday, large puffy white and grey clouds are drifting under a medium blue sky. Very breezy, almost windy which is, of course, the harbinger of weather change. 

The last of the tomatoes still hanging on, not going to pull those until I can get more soil or I'll be looking at a mostly empty bed for months. On the plus side, that potato I transferred there has surfaced! Another reason to wait until I have soil is so I can bury that sprout as it grows.

The lemon bush is flowering like crazy, I chanced on Layla clipping some of her herbs (she let me have a good size clump of thyme) and she said she sprinkled some fertilizer over it so it was under the branches. Apparently the lady that feels that is her bush told her only fertilize once a year. I then educated her on following the directions on the package she has rather than what someone else has told her. It's thriving but also has a lot of new growth with leafminer which I also told her what it was and not to worry about it.

And the leaves are falling from the liquid amber tree. Singular because the rest of them haven't started to change color and are still losing leaves to the caterpillars.

The picture on the left is the ash tree over the fence that shades where we park. It has been losing leaves like is usually does and then I noticed what looks like a nest. A big nest. Or a huge collection of leaves caught in the branches. I heard one of the hawks this morning fly by but that doesn't seem like a prime location for a hawk nest. Too many branches close by and not a good look out spot. No way of knowing for sure as I don't have a telephoto lens and camera or binoculars to get a closer look. And another view of the fall coloring on the tree, evening sun lighting up the yellowing leaves.

I love fall and spring best of all.

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