Thursday, November 7, 2024

A lot has happened and still not much

 The sun is shining, the tank is clean.... or something like that.

Santa Ana's came through yesterday and today so it's windy and clear, very nippy at night and my allergies have kicked in.

Hummingbird was hanging out at the feeder the other day and tried to get a good picture through the kitchen window. Less than professional results of course. And then this morning taking Rocky for his walk, a female was flitting around under the trees and around the pile of leaves and back around. Took me a moment to realize she was taking advantage of gnats and flies collecting in the shade. Made me smile a few moments at least.











Got new shoes that are slip on and brown leather, won't show the dirt as badly as the white pair at least. The leaf blower started up at 7:45 this morning and the piles have begun to collect on the grass. The piles would not be so big if not for the gusty winds yesterday and today. No need for the fans or AC at least.

I think I've figured out how to get parallel photos finally! YAY! Meanwhile, before, during and after my decision to yank the tomato bushes. I pulled the last two tomatoes off (and left them on the white rack oops) though they showed signs of spotting and not completely ripe. The smaller left side tomato plant had three small ones and frankly wasn't going to wait for those to ripen. I watered as much as I felt necessary, trying not to crush the single cilantro coming up near the potato. Nothing is coming up in the south bed by the way, it's shaded all the time so if I want something to grow there I'll have to put plants in.

Just some fall color, it doesn't show how much they are being whipped around by the wind though. Hoping to get the short video uploaded of that action. Wind just started up again and it's a wonderful feeling but at the same time it is a very dry wind. 

In other news, there was a canyon fire across the freeway and near the university. Not even remotely close to the boys school,but got some good views of the smoke cloud from the park. It could have been very bad if the wind had been as bad as it is today as there were homes all around the rim of the canyon it started in. They got it out in a matter of a few hours thankfully with the help of a water tank chopper going to the nearby lake. Caused a serious traffic snarl and my normal twenty minute drive from the school to their place was almost an hour.

Life goes on, garden will be what it is for a while. Financial situation is not going to improve on it's own so have to make do with what I've got.

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