Friday, November 22, 2024

Been a few days

 I totally ignored the garden on Wednesday because I was at Disneyland all day then got busy the next day so at least got out and watered this morning. It has been getting niiippy! Dropping down to the high 30's in the wee hours of the morning and only up to the 70's during the day. Actually had a light layer of frost on my car window when we left for Anaheim.

The 'weather tree' has lost a lot more leaves as it should and the winter flower for San Diego is blooming right on schedule, that bush had about five flowers on it. While I was taking a picture I saw a familiar shape! A green mantid on one of the flowers!

I would like to hope that's Manny and has just changed color after molting.  It is a male, they have a narrower abdomen than females so it would be nice to think that he survived.
The romaine is still growing, so is the cilantro and I planted some green onion ends in the raised bed. The oregano is making a come back after almost being buried under the deterrent logs. Not much to look at this time of year. I am crossing my fingers I can use some of my left over money to get a bag or two of soil.

Since there's no pictures of the garden (not much going on there anyway), here are some pictures from Disneyland. They always have incredible layouts for their landscaping and interesting singular plants. The left picture is the entrance to Tomorrowland, the rockets are to the left. Kalanchoe baharensis, aloes and some succulents I can't remember the name.  The tree is actually in memory of a Ray Bradbury store that I had no clue about.

The story (and short film) was called 'The Halloween Tree' and it was dedicated on the night of Halloween 2007. "Realizing famed author Ray Bradbury's dream of having the symbol for the Holiday become a part of Disneyland." The tree itself I don't remember having green leaves on it and the leaves that are stuck up in the branches are from what looks like an English Oak and possibly (hopefully) an Oregon White Oak because that would possibly do better in Anaheim than the English Oak. Will have to look into it another time.

And beautiful lights illuminating the trees in Downtown Disney for the holidays. Wish we could have stayed to see the castle lit up but we were completely dead broken tired by sunset and still had a 2 hour drive home in the dark.

It was way too crowded or I would have taken more pictures of the plants. Because, that's what I do.

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