Monday, November 25, 2024

Weather is very nice at least.

 Breezy, chilly and sunny all at once most days now. Sun is low in the sky so the garden beds are not as warm which means the seeds are taking longer to germinate.

This is an ash tree on the other side of the fence from where we park. Waaaayyy up at the top seems to be a nest. I saw a crow up there making noise the other day so it's possible that is who it belongs to, much too small for a hawk nest.

Fluffy clouds and clear blue skies in the same day. You can barely see but the tree sprouts are showing above the fence and so is the pepper tree. They actually trimmed up the bottom of the sprouts so it's almost a canopy shape. Can only see it from our window of course and the screen and windows are too filthy to get a good picture.

I decided yesterday to put some mixed lettuce and the last of the radish seeds in the west bed. A few onion sprouts were up but apparently only one Romaine seems to have survived. I also noticed earlier in the day something (cat) got into the raised bed so I moved the soil around and watered best I could. No sign of potato sprouts yet but almost dug one up I forgot was toward the middle of the bed.

I got a better look at the mantid and sadly, it is a female. Still hoping Manny made it out of the garden alive but it's great to see natural predators out and about. Wonder if she's hanging out waiting for ants or bees.

And then there's this.... act of.... what in the garden are they thinking. A lone geranium stick just stuck in the ground between a formerly potted ficus and nandina. Right where cars park. I hope to not be living there when that ficus really starts taking off.

That's about all for the garden stuff today. I may use some of our meager spare money next month to either get a hose or some soil instead of eating out. I had to use the remainder of my fun money for food. Again. 

Needs over wants and hobbies.

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