Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Garden is still there, slowly but sure.

 It is settling into being Fall now. Nights are definitely colder, going to dip into the high 40's in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow and the south bed in the garden is getting no sun at all so none of the seeds have sprouted.

Did I mention I figured out the change in the formatting code for getting pictures parallel again? I just kept trying different combinations of positioning and found it. Yay! Stupid programmers. Oh and that's the same tree different times of the day and different angles. It is almost completely yellow now but in the second picture it's late afternoon so it's more pink/orange due to the sunlight. But you can see that the top of the tree is more yellow and moving to orange while the lower part still has some green. 

I found one leaf on the sidewalk that has the prettiest colors of yellow and red/pink. One of the only ones on the ground and from the trees but then the wind has been blowing a bit.

So I got the cultivator and dug around the soil in the bed just to keep it aerated, I did it again yesterday as well but used my hands.... very black and almost sticky soil which means it's all the broken down compost, I remember seeing similar soil in the bare root beds when they stirred them up after a year of sitting. So I used my hand to spread the perlite out of that corner and mix it in as best I could. I don't know what I'm going to do other than that potato and the cilantro in that bed. I could toss some lettuce seeds and maybe try the radishes again but there's only about two or three inches of soil when it compacts back down again.

Health scare is resolved, nothing major anymore,  other than my knee getting all tweaked which has taken a week and a half for it to recover. One of the reasons why I didn't go down to the garden as often is not wanting to use the stairs when I have to keep my right leg from bending. 

I didn't get any pictures but the cilantro and romaine are coming up in the west bed, I think I saw one lone onion maybe two coming up. Let me tell you, if Santa brings me soil for Christmas I will be so happy. A new hose would be nice as well but that's pushing it, I may get some extra money in December so hopefully I won't need it for actual necessities and manage to get things for my garden.

I really need it to succeed next year. For my own mental health mostly. The world is very depressing right now and I need to be reminded that there are good things I can do in my little corner of the world to make me happy.

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