Sunday, September 26, 2021

I fibbed to myself and the weather is glorious right now!

It is currently noon and there is still cloud cover keeping the temperature down to a lovely 72 degrees. Still wearing shorts and a slightly heavier Hawaiian shirt but am comfortable. This could change by tomorrow but for now we will enjoy.

Got out to the garden and picked a few more tiny peppers, tomatoes are not making much progress and will wait for another day or two for the zucchini. Forgot to leave the peppers on the table, oh well.

The zucchini looks like a tube balloon, just waiting for it to fill completely to the end. The size is right but still want it to look uniform. Nothing else looks promising on either bush except for more mildew. Can you see the absence of a shadow? Yep totally overcast so it's bright light but no direct sun.
I was looking at the bare spots and thought, 'what the heck, going to throw some of the beans in the ground, worst thing that could happen is they won't grow.' I didn't pre soak like you're supposed to, used a stick to make a hole and put three in the holes I made. Then covered them up, didn't water because I didn't want to use the hose just for that.

Only AFTER I put them in the ground did I look up to see how big they are. Guess what? They're a bush bean! Fantastic! Only get maybe two feet tall so this is perfect if they grow at all. Will water them in tomorrow and maybe soak some tonight. I put five or six behind the zucchini and about nine in the pepper bed, two holes behind and one to the front. Beans grow fast, that's why I took a chance to try them out and why so many plant/botany lessons in grade school use them. Radishes too but no kid actually likes radishes. I like them to a point actually, my dad used to slice them and put them in a salad.
See the grass/weeds coming up close to the wall? That happens when you water a spot that has had little to know water at all for four months.
So I did mention it was also fungus season, an other organism that grows quickly and here's another picture of the ones from yesterday.
Might use that for some practice sketching. So wonderful weather to take a walk, go have some Italian food from down the street and enjoy the weather..did I say that already?

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