Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A new development but not in my garden.

 Remember the Norfolk Pine that's been languishing for months on the lawn? Fell over and they just propped it up against the post for the patio? Some kind soul, tenant I assume, fixed the problem.

He knew his way around a tree and pruners for sure. Had an unidentifiable accent possibly South African? But in any case I told him thank you for doing that, he said the manager has been after the gardeners for a month to plant it. I told him it's been longer than that but it's done and thanks for doing it. He said there's enough wrong in the world everything deserves a better life (or something like that).

I finally got a soil sample so I can do a soil test and forgot to get a small jar to soak it in water. Ah well. I dug in each of the beds and there is such an incredible difference in the soils. I was going to take a picture but wanted to set it up properly before doing that. Sandy clay, partially amended and more amended. I took some soil from the potato bed, which I think I am going to dig around a little in the holes and see if there's any sprouts coming up. If not, amend some more and plant again. 

Added a stick or two to the shade structures on the north bed, not that it'll make a difference but I can hope. It is getting very hot and dry out there and anything is better than nothing.

Not sure how well the carrots are doing, they are growing a tiny bit above ground at least, doing my best to keep everyone cool and moist. Almost time to fertilize again and will have to look for more of that soon after.  Here it is, first week of March and almost 2 pm the temperature is 84 outside. 😳 Luckily it's peaked right now and will be cooling off the rest of the day. It's only in the high 70's inside though sitting next to an open window it feels warmer than that.

Didn't take any pictures of the garden, not much new to report. If it starts getting warmer earlier I'm going to have to start waking earlier so I can water before it gets too hot. The south bed still is mostly shaded by the time I get out there around 10 or 11 but given the heat I still gave it a light watering.

It will likely waffle up and down in temps, slowly edging higher and higher as the month goes on. With this weather it is too late to plant cool season veggies already. Might be able to get away with them in the shade but not in the  other bed. That is now in full early summer mode and might have to put the pepper seeds in there now. As I've said, our spring lasts all of 2.5 seconds here. 


Maybe in the fall I'll plant some swweetpeas.

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