Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Some spring flowers not in my garden

 Decided to go to Balboa Park today because it's Free Museum day and it was the Natural History Museum. I haven't been inside there in YEARS and boy has it changed! I didn't get a chance to find the botanical display room. The one I remember is likely long changed around but what we did see was very fun and informative. We needed a change of pace from yesterday.

As we exited and made our way to the parking lot I saw one of my favorite tough terrain plants blooming.

Echium candicans
Pride of Madeira and Bee

Remember what I said about bees loving blue, purple and white? There ya go. This was the only bush of about five we passed that had full flower stalks open already. Huge bushes too! Very well maintained and healthy as possible.

We spent all of our time inside the museum so no other pictures than that of plants at the park. It was worth it though and hey, it was free! 

I made sure to water my garden this morning because I knew it would be warm and dry, still not much else going on there, just surprised nothing else has popped yet with this wonderful weather.

Poor radishes.
Not my seedlings

(Had to reformat and clean up and reformat the photos three times to get it right.)

The seedling is one of the grasses coming up. I haven't seen anything resembling carrots, beans or peas at all. Might have to put some peas in the other bed again. Third time's the charm?

Still nothing from the potatoes but will point out something I mentioned before about compost.

 See all the darker brown? That's the larger bits of compost from what I put in there, floating to the surface. It will continue to do that until it gets mixed in again. The level of the holes is also getting shallower, likely from soil being washed into the holes and the surface being washed away as i water. So glad someone left that plastic border, would not have have been able to do this without it. If I had added another bag of amendment in there the ratio would be closer to ideal. If there's more amendment/compost then no matter if it gravitates to the surface. I would likely have to build up another ten inches in order to add another bag to even things out.

Another gorgeous day, another ... day.


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