Thursday, March 3, 2022

Again with the no progress update

It is much cooler today than yestereday with high thin clouds being swept by the breezes. Took the nozzle with me to water but everything looked fine. I got a closer look at the seedlings coming up and damn if they aren't stupid oxalis. The whole south bed is going to have to be scraped other than the existing plants before they get too much bigger.

Nothing else other than checking the potatoes. I scraped what soil covered them, thankfully not much, and they're still there. I nudged one and got resistance so it seems they're putting roots down at least. Might have potatoes by summer at this rate. With the weather the way it is I think I'm going to plant some of the green pepper seeds. In the tomato bed where I put the beans. That haven't sprouted. Will wait another few weeks to try those again.

The transplanted tree is still hanging in there but it will be a shame if it doesn't survive. I've seen them come back from nothing so it's a strong species for sure.

I think I figured out how to get better pictures after all these were taken so hopefully better quality will be had going forward.

Other than that, not much else to report. Same as usual, just waiting and watching daily.

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