Tuesday, March 29, 2022

And it rained, and was windy and thundering.

 It was wonderful. The rain started about mid afternoon, light sprinkles then morphed into a steady light rain. By late evening it really came down. I really should have held off watering but compared to the rain, I didn't do much. It is blustery and cloudy today so don't have to worry about the beds drying out.

I decided I wanted to try more seeds so rummaged through my collection and saw the Red Burgundy Onions. What the heck, give it a try.

The soil is very much wet, I used a chopstick to run a trench and even looked up how deep they needed to be planted. I only hope that the weather will cooperate and the soil will be okay. Onions do better in more acidic soil and mine is not alkaline but not high acid either.

The front row I decided on Crimson Giant radishes. Almost pulled out the Easter Egg but thought I'd give these a go.

In the future I will be marking the white packages with black pen, I took a picture of both rows but you can't even see the pencil in normal daylight. Oh well. Oh... popsicle sticks, have to remember that for marking the rows. Not like I have copious amounts of garden to do so, that's why I take photos.

Didn't water after planting as the soil was perfectly fine for moisture.

Everything else looked fine, still fussing over how much grit and rock is in the potato bed and still holding out for the radishes in the south bed. I discovered something yesterday when I was digging the soil after transplanting the peas.
Digging around the tomato and hearing the light crunch of hitting roots I discovered this:

Now, what the heck is that you say? It's no bigger than about an inch but since it came from the vicinity of the tomato I am concerned. It could be early signs of root knot nematodes on the tomato.

Without taking it to a lab and having them dissect and look at it under a microscope I am only going by my past knowledge of seeing infected roots.


As a precaution the the tomato plant will be pulled at the end of the season and won't plant any tomato or pepper in there unfortunately. The tomato is still looking great and when I pulled the pepper plant I didn't see anything. It could just be swollen roots but not going to take any chances. The radishes are doing well and we will see what happens with the seeds I put in.  
If they grow.
So I will monitor the tomato plant and if it starts dying prematurely that can't be explained by overcrowded branches or other reasons, yanking it. The tops can go in the compost pile but the roots will definitely go in the trash. I will also dig around and see if any other roots come up looking like that.

Having the rain is wonderful being in a desert climate it is just so refreshing and hope we have more days like this. As our weather goes, it will be like this for a day or two then run weeks without any and by then it will be summer and that's the end of the season. Sigh.

Rain, rain, come over here, we like having you near.

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