Monday, March 21, 2022

The rain did good and sun is doing better. Happy Spring!

 If the sprouts in the shade got more sun I suspect they would be double their size by now. Compared to the ones in the north bed that I uncovered, I would say that would be true.

Barely visible
Very evident growth

Didn't have to do much watering, just made sure the north bed and potatoes got wet and pulled a few weeds. In another week I'll know if those are peas or beans for sure. I'm betting on peas since I put more of those out than the beans.

And again I swear the potatoes are doubling in size every day.

March 21
March 20

Yes I know there's a difference in the distance just joking but honestly they are growing faster for sure. Warm weather and soil makes all the difference.

March 18


From the 18th to today there is significant growth no doubt! Doubled in size in four days I think, another week or two and I'll be able to cover them with more soil and start the potato tower.

Almost picked two tomatoes but they didn't come loose immediately so leaving them on. Radishes will stay in the ground still for another few days or so. 

Now with things growing I can't plant anything more or I run out of room. The peas are going to take up a sizable area in both beds and the carrots and radishes will stay in place for another few weeks. Didn't check on the maturity time for the carrots and would need to backtrack my posts to find out when I planted them and then tack on another two weeks or more due to them being in the shade. They'll thank me later when it gets blazing hot.

Going to go ponder some more plans and plants and enjoy the day!

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