Saturday, April 30, 2022

Only thing good is the weather.

 Low funds and that makes me nervous about paying bills and rules out getting anything for the garden. Was going to look for seeds at Target then remembered they didn't have much of a garden department it's more of an idea with them.

Watered today and that's about it. Didn't take my usual morning walk with Rocky so no flower pictures so not much to report.

I just remembered I left some red pepper seeds to dry in the window that Rocky sits in and saw the towels that are normally there on the counter this morning. Ooops guess won't be planting those. Still have half of the pepper in the fridge with some seeds so no loss, just a minor delay.

Really looking forward to those carrots, not a big carrot eater but if those succeed I will be a happy gardener.

Not really happy with the lettuce, the brown is mostly soil from being watered but they just aren't thriving like the ones in the sun. The supposed bean sprouts are coming up and actually discovered there's three plants so yay! (So help me if those turn out to not be beans I'm going to very very upset).

My thumb is at the juncture at the tip of one of the potato plants.  I thought maybe it was some flower stems starting or insects but I think it's just the fuzz they normally get when starting. Just never noticed it before so will see what happens. Didn't seem like it was insect or disease but not really familiar with details of potato growth.

The lettuce are happy campers so far and I might dig them up and spread them out a bit when they get a bit bigger and hope they survive. Being a 'frugal/broke' gardener you try and save plants and seeds where you can. Oh, and notice all the purslane crowding up around the border? That would have been overtaking the area if someone hadn't left that there for someone to use.I suspect I would have figured out something with the wood pieces.

I dug around the marigolds for water wells and despite the soil still being dark it was very warm and would have been dry by afternoon with the weather being clear and very warm today.

One of the other residents I'm acquainted with came by when I was there and asked about my garden, told her I worked at a nursery for 20 years and she knew where WAN was because she had worked at the base near it. Told her about the tomato and we generally chatted about gardening stuff. So obviously didn't pull the tomato and told her I was going to have to yank it but gave her one of the smaller ones that was ready. 

I'm hoping to get that done by the end of the week and pull what tomatoes are ready. Will have to get out really early before it gets too warm to do that. I know the root system is going all over that bed so it's going to be done carefully to not disturb the marigolds. 

That bed is just prime real estate for full sun veggie growing but the soil is crap and very limited actual growing space. I saw a picture of some fava beans and they were perfect for putting in a spot like  that but those are technically not a true bean and closer to peas so they're cool season planting. Will have to wait until fall for those, peppers will grow well in that spot instead of peas. If I get rid of the tomato I'll have three poles to use for a fence/trellis so technically could grow tall beans.....

(I sometimes open another tab to do on the spot research while writing so hence...)

What I have just discovered is the difference between bush beans and pole beans is the same difference between indeterminate and determinate tomatoes. Former type grows tall and produces over a longer period where the latter grows and produces all at once. Fascinating. Now have to decide what to grow and saw that a Fordhook variety of Lima bean is heat resistant as well as being able to grow in 'adverse conditions' well hello there, I actually like Lima beans and corn.

As far as green beans are concerned it seems that the variety 'Contender' is 'heat and mildew tolerant' and has a very short harvest time, only 45 days to harvest. I've seen that variety in seed racks as well as the Fordhook lima. Hmmm. 

Or I could plant more flowers or whatever seeds I can glean from other veggies I bring home.

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