Monday, May 9, 2022

Stinky entrance, more holes.

 Another late start to the day so didn't get out to the garden until 11:30 ish. Windy day, wonderfully clear skies with the hawks calling, windchimes making music and I wish I had a wood railed porch looking out over a canyon vista to enjoy it all even more.

Remembered the compost bag and the fertilizer with my nozzle. As soon as I got to the garden area I smelled it. Cat poop. Oh no, not in my newly raked bed please! Nope... I looked in the vicinity but didn't see any scraping or piles and figured it was in the weeds.











 An actual pile of dirt though, to the left of the bed and an exploratory hole in the actual planting bed so... rassafrackin grrumble gopher poopy head animal.

I did also notice though, something that I have no idea where they're hiding but slug trails. You can barely see it on the lower right corner of the right hand picture. Looks like a root but it's a slime trail, I think I did dig up a slug along with the worms so guess I've been keeping the soil moist for everyone! Right.

There were lots of flies moving around in the corner of the garden near the jade plant so the offending pile must have been over there somewhere. The potatoes are doing absolutely wonderful and so is the original lettuces. Makes me smile to see the lettuce growing so well in that spot.

Getting out and watering almost every day is good because it keeps the soil microbes going as well as all the various critters that may or may not be good in the garden.

The pea is also doing well with the extra support and with the extra sun on it I hope it starts popping out some flowers like the other one. The marigolds are in a growth spurt for sure with all the warm weather. They're now the size you would find in a six pack at the nursery so flowers will be coming soon. That darn soil is all flat again so I got the cultivator (need a small hand size one) and carefully roughed things up a bit.

There's one small tomato at the back of the bush, looks redder than it is so will probably pick that tomorrow, maybe will go out later and get it. I also noticed another exploring hole as I dumped the coffee grounds and carrot tops on the compost.

The hole is about where my feet are taking the picture of the corner, middle of the garden where the one board is left crossing the path. On to watering and discovered where the offending poop was.

I made a point of watering that well then grabbed the shovel and threw some dirt on it. That corner looks like it might be a sleeping spot but it isn't if a cat pooped there. Would you sleep in the bathroom if you had other choices? Same thing with rabbits and other critters.

I also used the spray and put some water down that hole as well. It didn't drain immediately which means it had a plug further down but oh well. Typically those kinds of holes are for ground squirrels but since I know there is a gopher this is just a test hole for air and to see what's going on. I really want to get a trail cam or something and put it up overnight in the garden.

And to cleanse the palate afterward, I stopped and smelled the wonderful roses. On my way out the door though I caught a short video of the hawks getting lunch for their babies. You can actually see them flapping around now.


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