Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Early start but not done yet. The Trench war continues.

It's now unbearably muggy with high humidity as well as the heat. Not a good combination for working outside. Projected high temp today is 89 but right now it's only 74 which would normally be pleasant but for the 59% humidity.

I knew digging the trench would be a bear given the size of the area and only having a standard garden shovel and a pointy stick (not pictured).






 The seedling in that bed is indeed a cucumber. The first set of true leaves are out and not the same as the sunflowers. So of the three seeds I put in there only one came up. I am trying to be oh so careful not to disturb it too much with all the dirt moving. There will be a full trench all the way around with netting dug into it for sure. Just going to take a lot more work and time than I anticipated.

If I had indeed planned ahead more and had the money (I would have a small tarp to put the dirt on instead of doing this in stages. Digging a trench part of the way around, moving the dirt to the other side of the bed then laying in the netting, cover it up with the extra dirt then digging the other half of the trench repeating the process. I don't think I can get any deeper than about a foot which may not be enough to deter the little varmint. I only got maybe 10 inches down, depth of the shovel and then had to use the pointy stick (not pictured) to get the bottom of the trench a little deeper and more or less level.

As I'm typing I notice out my window a bird flew into the tree on the other side of the fence. I've seen a bird perch there, large bird and thought it was a dove. Until I noticed it was pecking at something and noticed the telltale motions of a hawk eating freshly caught breakfast, most likely a rodent. I don't have a good zoom on my phone but it's nice to know they are thriving and I don't know if it's the fledgling or one of the adults. (Double panes of glass both of them dirty and the distance to me is a lot closer than that). Vision is wierd for sure.

 Anyway, not sure if I'll be doing anymore digging today it usually doesn't cool down until dark so it's not going to happen tonight. That trenching/drainage shovel would be perfect for this job but just don't have the money for that.

Need to go get a shower and some food and decide what to do for the rest of the day. Other than planning the next leg of the trench war.

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