Thursday, June 30, 2022

Too much work for someone my age

The weather is cooling, it was only about 72 or so when I got up and ticked up a bit more by the time I got to the garden. Technically cooler today but n ot enough breeze to make it bearable. Not sure if we'll be closing up today,  might not happen until later.  I was determined to get the chicken wire in the ground and I did. It may have cost me a bit more physically.

I am beyond my patience and tolerance with what greeted me when I got to the garden.

It got into the north bed and took out one of the peppers and marigolds. I took out my frustration on the dirt putting the chicken wire in and have made a decision.

I was pretty proud but also frustrated ad how hard the dirt is using what tools I had. Oh yes, I got a picture of 'the stick'.

 The right end of the stick is very pointy, I have no idea where this stick came from but it's perfect for making divots in the ground for planting.

Halfway through digging I decided to move the cucumber over to the fence bed. It would be safer there and I finished filling in the trench with chicken wire installed.

 I'm not even completely around the bed and I'm done. Done with the whole project given the new development in the north bed. The dirt isn't worth it, the work isn't worth it and my health isn't worth it.

Wasted money on the netting only to discover it was way beyond my capacity to do the job. I didn't even water I was so overheated and exhausted. Will go out there in a bit to do that because they deserve to be taken care of, whatever is left.

I will be looking at containers now for the north bed and the south bed. Raised off the ground somehow either pots or whatever I can figure out and can afford. I left the remaining chicken wire in the electrical closet with the bag of the ground soil. I'll mix that into the south bed just to use it up.

Knowing my situation with the rent and money why would I spend precious dollars on this? Because, as my sweetie says, 'it feeds the soul'. It's something  more tangible and rewarding than buying pictures or jewelry. It is a nurturing thing and gets me out of the chair and caring about something else.

Am now looking at container options, fabric pots seem to be a good deal on Amazon. There's a six compartment one that is almost the same size as the bed I was just digging in.  Will be looking at options for sure.

Why is my life like this?

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