Thursday, June 2, 2022

Lettuce is pulled, watering done.

 If you (hopefully someone) are following my posts you'll notice by now the same (boring?) pictures of the beds. What I am doing is essentially a digital garden journal showing the changes day to day of what I'm doing. Sometimes there's not much to report and other times it's busy but it's important to note everything so I remember and possibly can go back to a year ago and see what the difference is. If computers weren't available I would be using a journal notebook to write everything down but it would be much much more brief and not as informative. As this is, I am hoping others will read this chronicle and learn some things.

The weather is definitely warming up but still breezy, got out to the garden earlier than usual and got everything watered.

Marigolds and peas are popping, will likely try and pick some of the pods tomorrow, the marigolds are really going well!

You can see by the shadows how early it is, and for a few hours at least, the south bed is mostly sun. Those peppers though, need to chew up the soil again, maybe put some of the logs out there or try to bust some up for mulch. Without an axe or anything... right.

I've got at least 8 or 10 pods on the tall pea vine in various growth sizes! That's incredible! The shorter north bed vine I'll be picking and pulling the plant sooner than those will be ready. That potato bed... really pathetic and now that the lettuce is gone, it just looks like an empty bed waiting for something to plant. There's 'a' potato but still not sure if I want to wait that long for it to grow.

Enough lettuce from the plants for a small salad, nothing else in the fridge to add to it so... ranch dressing and croutons it is.  No tomatoes left but maybe will pick some peas? Never had this type of lettuce before because it's never in the stores, will be interesting. I decided to pick them because the largest one seemed to be starting to crown which is not good. I pulled them while I was watering so I could clean them off mostly before taking them upstairs (remember my comment about things needed in the garden was a sink?).

So again, as soon as I get more money will get some chives (hopefully the round leaf not flat leaf type) and strawberry plants. Bills first, garden second unfortunately but will see what happens as always.

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