Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Same ole, same ole

 Weather is warming up for sure but still breezy. The hawks seem to be returning to their nest, one just swooped to the tree and is calling constantly. Mourning dove was calling closer to dawn and then the Ring Back doves were too. All the birds and the bees buzzing in the tree. Oh and a Monarch flitted past just after I watered.

The two north beds were fine for water but had to put some on the south bed because that gets sun the longest as it starts early and ends early for exposure.

The marigolds have rapidly increasing flower buds yay! Can't tell very well from that angle but should have opening buds in about a week or so. They are a sun and heat lover for sure!

Oh yeah, was going to pick the lettuce today, maybe in the evening as it is going to be kind of warm today. The plants are still kind of small so I can't just pick some leaves, have to pull the whole plant also because I have no other lettuce or greens left in the fridge. Not seen also in the corner of the south bed in the shade is a patch of grass weeds and some purslane weedlings. I dug those out with the hoe before I watered. Chopped them up good, then took the hoe to the compost pile (no pictures).

Almost picked one of the peas on the smaller plant in the north bed but it didn't pull easily so I left it. Will see about it tomorrow or the next day. The pods are still way smaller than they should be from what I remember. Could be the variety or the conditions or both.

I'm looking at the pepper plants and apologizing to them for no fertilizer or mulch for them. All that open space just evaporating moisture into the air and the soil heating up.

The lilies are about to bloom, likely tomorrow, given how rapidly they grow so will have pictures when they open  up.

Going to be warm today but need to go out to the store real quick and then stay in for the remainder of the day.

Stay cool!

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