Friday, July 1, 2022

It's hot again and not much else.

 We had to make a run to Costco for water and a few things, it feels like it's about 90 outside but it's just shy of that by a few degrees and technically only going to be in the mid to high 80's. The kicker is the humidity. Right now the humidity is 37% but feels much higher, must be due to them watering the lawns this morning or something.

Anywho, didn't get a chance to go water until around noon and didn't do much else other than weed a little so only a few pictures. Those damn purslane are coming up everywhere in that fence bed!











In the process of using the trowel a little too quickly on the weeds, I dug up the sunflower on the right side of the bed. Oh well. Still no beans so will try and put some more in there tomorrow. Or maybe the south bed I worked so hard on. No activity in the north bed today but I will bet you there will be something going on tomorrow. Hoping that cucumber takes off soon, technically that should be much bigger than it is by this time of year.

Ah the trials and tribulations of my garden.

Oh on a side note, remember back when I talked about the camellia in the patio and they had to cut down a 5 foot bush because it was blocking the fire extinguisher? I also showed a picture of how they can grow new plants from roots.

Formerly chopped down bush on the right, new bush started on the far left that's been that way as long as we've been here. So yeah, I will have to let whoever know to not chop that down again or dig it up because it's easily managed below the extinguisher height. Unlike roses, camellias are usually grown from cuttings and therefore rarely need grafting. There are a few stubborn varieties but they are mostly for collectors. 

So that's it for today, we're all closed up and cooling off on the first day of July.

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